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Thread: The best 9/11 video that you are ever likely to see.

  1. #26

    Re: The best 9/11 video that you are ever likely to see.

    Quote Originally Posted by TruBlue View Post
    For every website you present me with I can find you one that refutes the evidence. Even if investigative anti Semites likes Bollyn did write them.

    For that reason I was asking Organ personally, why he thought there would be any benefit in releasing a script that all of a sudden by default implicates a whole load more people into the conspiracy?

    It's a simple question that appears to have got you all defensive, despite me not actually asking you originally. Feel free to answer though (your own thoughts, not those of any Ugandans, if you don't mind).
    "For every website you present me with I can find you one that refutes the evidence"

    Why haven't you presented them then? I've never seen you present one link ever which has a countervailing view to any link that I have provided. Calling Bollyn an 'anti-Semite' is just a meaningless political slur, one that ignores his investigations, evidence and information that he collected and researched over a considerable period of time.

    Show me one example of how you can refute Bollyn's investigations into 9/11? Show me one example which refutes the video in the original link?

    It's a matter of public record that Larry Silverstein agreed with the New York Fire Dept to 'pull the building', that was the initial reason given for its collapse. It was that conversation that was relayed to the news agencies at the time, which included the BBC staff at the scene.

    It was only much later when the speed of the building's descent was properly analysed, that it became obvious that the demolition was one that was well planned in advance, as it fell perfectly into its own footprint, at perfect free fall speed, as only a planned demolition could.

    Silverstein is linked to Frank Lowery (ex-terrorist) and Ronnie Lauder (Estee Lauder) all three are avowed Zionists and all three are billionaires. Lauder arranged the sale of the Twin Towers to Lowery and Siverstein in the first place.

    Had you been paying attention, you would have noticed that this is the same Ronnie Lauder who was linked to the Israeli former intelligence officer, who is married to the German celebrity actor/reporter who just happened to be at Nice and Munich 'terrorist' attacks a few weeks ago.

    If this had been three Arab Muslim billionaires who were all connected and involved, the cries to lynch them would have reverberated half way around the globe.

    Conspiracies exist TB as a fact of life unfortunately. We're finding out more and more about the conspiracies to topple Gaddafi as emails are revealed which were not available some years ago. In the same way the conspiracy to artificially create groups of 'moderate rebels' in Syria, on the basis that it worked in Libya, so why not in Syria, is becoming more and more obvious by the week.

  2. #27

    Re: The best 9/11 video that you are ever likely to see.

    Quote Originally Posted by Splott Dave View Post
    "For every website you present me with I can find you one that refutes the evidence"

    Why haven't you presented them then? I've never seen you present one link ever which has a countervailing view to any link that I have provided. Calling Bollyn an 'anti-Semite' is just a meaningless political slur, one that ignores his investigations, evidence and information that he collected and researched over a considerable period of time.

    Show me one example of how you can refute Bollyn's investigations into 9/11? Show me one example which refutes the video in the original link?

    It's a matter of public record that Larry Silverstein agreed with the New York Fire Dept to 'pull the building', that was the initial reason given for its collapse. It was that conversation that was relayed to the news agencies at the time, which included the BBC staff at the scene.

    It was only much later when the speed of the building's descent was properly analysed, that it became obvious that the demolition was one that was well planned in advance, as it fell perfectly into its own footprint, at perfect free fall speed, as only a planned demolition could.

    Silverstein is linked to Frank Lowery (ex-terrorist) and Ronnie Lauder (Estee Lauder) all three are avowed Zionists and all three are billionaires. Lauder arranged the sale of the Twin Towers to Lowery and Siverstein in the first place.

    Had you been paying attention, you would have noticed that this is the same Ronnie Lauder who was linked to the Israeli former intelligence officer, who is married to the German celebrity actor/reporter who just happened to be at Nice and Munich 'terrorist' attacks a few weeks ago.

    If this had been three Arab Muslim billionaires who were all connected and involved, the cries to lynch them would have reverberated half way around the globe.

    Conspiracies exist TB as a fact of life unfortunately. We're finding out more and more about the conspiracies to topple Gaddafi as emails are revealed which were not available some years ago. In the same way the conspiracy to artificially create groups of 'moderate rebels' in Syria, on the basis that it worked in Libya, so why not in Syria, is becoming more and more obvious by the week.
    What would be the point, unless they are full of anti Jewish sentiment you'd dismiss them instantly.

    Here is an idea, next time there is some sort of world terrorist event. I'll guess your opinion within hours of it happening.

    Don't post your thoughts on here but I'll post what I think you think the reasoning will be?

    It's impossible for me to know your thoughts, after all you have an open and inquisitive mind.

    P.S. Seems your boy is a bit of a shill - http://www.takeourworldback.com/bollynfalseflag.htm

    Is that how you know him?

  3. #28

    Re: The best 9/11 video that you are ever likely to see.

    Quote Originally Posted by TruBlue View Post
    What would be the point, unless they are full of anti Jewish sentiment you'd dismiss them instantly.

    Here is an idea, next time there is some sort of world terrorist event. I'll guess your opinion within hours of it happening.

    Don't post your thoughts on here but I'll post what I think you think the reasoning will be?

    It's impossible for me to know your thoughts, after all you have an open and inquisitive mind.

    P.S. Seems your boy is a bit of a shill - http://www.takeourworldback.com/bollynfalseflag.htm

    Is that how you know him?
    I wasn't asking you for whataboutery. Just deal with the questions that you were asked, and the information that you have been given.

  4. #29

    Re: The best 9/11 video that you are ever likely to see.

    Quote Originally Posted by Splott Dave View Post
    I wasn't asking you for whataboutery. Just deal with the questions that you were asked, and the information that you have been given.
    Once you do me the deceny of answering my question(which I asked beforehand), I'll do you the decency of answering yours..

  5. #30

    Re: The best 9/11 video that you are ever likely to see.

    Quote Originally Posted by TruBlue View Post
    Once you do me the deceny of answering my question(which I asked beforehand), I'll do you the decency of answering yours..
    You quite obviously have not read your own links. I seem to remember that was a regular occurrence some years ago.

    'It was not Muslims'


  6. #31

    Re: The best 9/11 video that you are ever likely to see.

    Quote Originally Posted by Splott Dave View Post
    You quite obviously have not read your own links. I seem to remember that was a regular occurrence some years ago.

    'It was not Muslims'

    That site isn't relevant for 9/11 just your mate Bollyn. Kind of like picking and choosing when to trust the BBC.......

    I've never seen you present one link
    A few posts later

    You quite obviously have not read your own links. I seem to remember that was a regular occurrence some years ago.

    If I remember it was you that got caught not reading the links posted. You were so quick to try and shut down someone elses opinion you got the wrong end of the stick regarding the news story and went off on a tangent as to why it was wrong.

    I remember you back peddling like hell once it was pointed out you'd clearly not read the link despite claiming to have.

  7. #32
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    Re: The best 9/11 video that you are ever likely to see.

    Silverstein is linked to Frank Lowery (ex-terrorist) and Ronnie Lauder (Estee Lauder) all three are avowed Zionists and all three are billionaires. Lauder arranged the sale of the Twin Towers to Lowery and Siverstein in the first place.

    Had you been paying attention, you would have noticed that this is the same Ronnie Lauder who was linked to the Israeli former intelligence officer, who is married to the German celebrity actor/reporter who just happened to be at Nice and Munich 'terrorist' attacks a few weeks ago.

    So I was right all along.

  8. #33
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    Re: The best 9/11 video that you are ever likely to see.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Unknown quality? Check-out their quality for yourself. The natural laws of physics are on their side. Building 7, which wasn't hit by anything, also collapsed into its own footprint. It would be absurd if it wasn't so serious. The enquiry into that concluded burning office furniture was the cause. That's the one the BBC said had fallen when it was still clearly standing in the background.

    Why did the towers have to collapse,why wasn't flying planes into them enough?

  9. #34

    Re: The best 9/11 video that you are ever likely to see.

    Quote Originally Posted by TruBlue View Post
    That site isn't relevant for 9/11 just your mate Bollyn. Kind of like picking and choosing when to trust the BBC.......

    A few posts later

    If I remember it was you that got caught not reading the links posted. You were so quick to try and shut down someone elses opinion you got the wrong end of the stick regarding the news story and went off on a tangent as to why it was wrong.

    I remember you back peddling like hell once it was pointed out you'd clearly not read the link despite claiming to have.
    You have presented an article that has nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11. One link, among dozens, points out the bleeding obvious that no Muslims were involved in anything to do with the clear up and removal of debris. You are still ignoring the evidence presented in the video and I can only assume that because it is a chronological accurate account of what took place and when it took place, you find no fault with it.

    Likewise with the Chris Bollyn research on 9/11, you denounce Bollyn with the political smear of being an 'anti-Semite,' which totally deflects from his actual research into 9/11.

    You're not able to find fault with that research as you were not able to find fault with it when we last had this conversation some four years ago.

    I would have thought the intervening period of time would have least have seen you becoming more knowledgeable on the subject, able to impart that knowledge in a debate, rather than scurry around looking at ways to get involved in deflection, character assassination, and political smears against Bollyn. Who when all is said and done, is someone who has produced an authoritative and comprehensive account for 9/11.

  10. #35

    Re: The best 9/11 video that you are ever likely to see.

    Quote Originally Posted by Splott Dave View Post
    You have presented an article that has nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11. One link, among dozens, points out the bleeding obvious that no Muslims were involved in anything to do with the clear up and removal of debris. You are still ignoring the evidence presented in the video and I can only assume that because it is a chronological accurate account of what took place and when it took place, you find no fault with it.

    Likewise with the Chris Bollyn research on 9/11, you denounce Bollyn with the political smear of being an 'anti-Semite,' which totally deflects from his actual research into 9/11.

    You're not able to find fault with that research as you were not able to find fault with it when we last had this conversation some four years ago.

    I would have thought the intervening period of time would have least have seen you becoming more knowledgeable on the subject, able to impart that knowledge in a debate, rather than scurry around looking at ways to get involved in deflection, character assassination, and political smears against Bollyn. Who when all is said and done, is someone who has produced an authoritative and comprehensive account for 9/11.
    They certainly aren't "authoritative". The link was meant to rubbish your boy. How can you trust an author with so many questions hanging over his head? Isn't he on the run? Are you in the habit of trusting wanted criminals? What next 101 ways to clear a cold by Dr Harold Shipman....

    I tried to get into a "debate" with you but you refuse to answer a simple question. How can I "debate" with someone like that. If I'm honest you don't really want someone to debate with, just someone to reply so you can keep pushing your jewhunter agenda. For that you should be grateful to me as I often help you out.

  11. #36

    Re: The best 9/11 video that you are ever likely to see.

    Quote Originally Posted by TruBlue View Post
    They certainly aren't "authoritative". The link was meant to rubbish your boy. How can you trust an author with so many questions hanging over his head? Isn't he on the run? Are you in the habit of trusting wanted criminals? What next 101 ways to clear a cold by Dr Harold Shipman....

    I tried to get into a "debate" with you but you refuse to answer a simple question. How can I "debate" with someone like that. If I'm honest you don't really want someone to debate with, just someone to reply so you can keep pushing your jewhunter agenda. For that you should be grateful to me as I often help you out.
    You've cited a document which is un-attributable. It makes a series of claims, allegations and recounts supposed events none of which can be verified, none of which were worth the author revealing his/her name.

    What am I supposed to do with it?

    You decided to enter this thread. The topic is clearly titled, the information is all there for you. All you have to do is provide your own views and refrain from giving out Dr Shipman's cold recipes, unless you want to start a whole new thread about mass murderers, which will only result in me offering a few of the Zionist persuasion...

  12. #37

    Re: The best 9/11 video that you are ever likely to see.

    Quote Originally Posted by Splott Dave View Post
    You've cited a document which is un-attributable. It makes a series of claims, allegations and recounts supposed events none of which can be verified, none of which were worth the author revealing his/her name.

    What am I supposed to do with it?

    You decided to enter this thread. The topic is clearly titled, the information is all there for you. All you have to do is provide your own views and refrain from giving out Dr Shipman's cold recipes, unless you want to start a whole new thread about mass murderers, which will only result in me offering a few of the Zionist persuasion...

    Are you pissed? I've been asking for both yours and Organs "own views" on the point about feeding building 7 to newsreaders early all thread, but you keep avoiding it going on about Ugandans some bloke on the run.

    I'll ask again "Why do you think they would bother getting more people involved into a conspiracy by releasing news info early, rather than just let it release itself once it fell?"

    "All you have to do is provide your own views...."

  13. #38

    Re: The best 9/11 video that you are ever likely to see.

    Quote Originally Posted by TruBlue View Post
    If you are going to have a conspiracy of blowing up a building, why would you bother to tell a news agency before it had blown up(adding another group of people into the conspiracy)?
    If you want to keep a secret, it's not the number of people you share it with that matters, it's the quality of those people, so I would imagine a rigorous vetting process is in place

  14. #39

    Re: The best 9/11 video that you are ever likely to see.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    If you want to keep a secret, it's not the number of people you share it with that matters, it's the quality of those people, so I would imagine a rigorous vetting process is in place
    You were probably off shagging Cindy Crawford that week mate, but did you miss the fact that one of these "vetted" people must've told the BBC early (apparently).

  15. #40

    Re: The best 9/11 video that you are ever likely to see.

    Quote Originally Posted by TruBlue View Post
    You were probably off shagging Cindy Crawford that week mate, but did you miss the fact that one of these "vetted" people must've told the BBC early (apparently).
    If it was a setup, I don't think they would include anybody who wasn't on their team If it was just a coincidence, then their equipment was probably faulty

  16. #41

    Re: The best 9/11 video that you are ever likely to see.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    If it was a setup, I don't think they would include anybody who wasn't on their team If it was just a coincidence, then their equipment was probably faulty
    I expect as days go things weren't running like clockwork that day.....

  17. #42

    Re: The best 9/11 video that you are ever likely to see.

    Quote Originally Posted by TruBlue View Post
    I expect as days go things weren't running like clockwork that day.....
    Yep, little blips happen all the time

  18. #43
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: The best 9/11 video that you are ever likely to see.

    Or did they do it so we would all still be talking about it years later?

  19. #44

    Re: The best 9/11 video that you are ever likely to see.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    Or did they do it so we would all still be talking about it years later?
    Like a double bluff you mean? I like it, but what about Splottys criminal mate? Has he been bluffed as well? Don't you know he's an "investigative journalist"....

  20. #45
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: The best 9/11 video that you are ever likely to see.

    Quote Originally Posted by TruBlue View Post
    Like a double bluff you mean? I like it, but what about Splottys criminal mate? Has he been bluffed as well? Don't you know he's an "investigative journalist"....
    Depends what you mean by double bluff? I haven't read any of those links tbh because I gave up wasting energy on it a long time ago, there is just so much out there it's become a bit of a time waster which is quite likely what they want, it's hard to explain what I'm getting at really, perhaps I should wait until tomorrow

  21. #46

    Re: The best 9/11 video that you are ever likely to see.

    Quote Originally Posted by TruBlue View Post

    Are you pissed? I've been asking for both yours and Organs "own views" on the point about feeding building 7 to newsreaders early all thread, but you keep avoiding it going on about Ugandans some bloke on the run.

    I'll ask again "Why do you think they would bother getting more people involved into a conspiracy by releasing news info early, rather than just let it release itself once it fell?"

    "All you have to do is provide your own views...."

    "I'll ask again "Why do you think they would bother getting more people involved into a conspiracy by releasing news info early, rather than just let it release itself once it fell?"

    I answered that if you look.

  22. #47

    Re: The best 9/11 video that you are ever likely to see.

    Quote Originally Posted by TruBlue View Post
    What would be the point, unless they are full of anti Jewish sentiment you'd dismiss them instantly.

    Here is an idea, next time there is some sort of world terrorist event. I'll guess your opinion within hours of it happening.

    Don't post your thoughts on here but I'll post what I think you think the reasoning will be?

    It's impossible for me to know your thoughts, after all you have an open and inquisitive mind.

    P.S. Seems your boy is a bit of a shill - http://www.takeourworldback.com/bollynfalseflag.htm

    Is that how you know him?
    Do you still want to stand by that link you posted TB?

    This is in the Conclusions section of your own link sonny...

    "International Zionism's successful false-flag of 9/11 left smoking gun evidence (molten metal including molten steel, iron spherules) and loaded gun (active thermitic material)"

  23. #48

    Re: The best 9/11 video that you are ever likely to see.

    Quote Originally Posted by TruBlue View Post

    Are you pissed? I've been asking for both yours and Organs "own views" on the point about feeding building 7 to newsreaders early all thread, but you keep avoiding it going on about Ugandans some bloke on the run.

    I'll ask again "Why do you think they would bother getting more people involved into a conspiracy by releasing news info early, rather than just let it release itself once it fell?"

    "All you have to do is provide your own views...."
    There was no 'benefit'. I didn't suggest there was. The BBC said that Building 7 had fallen when it clearly hadn't. I didn't state the BBC was in on the conspiracy. You're demanding answers to what's in your fevered imagination. Try questioning what I state rather than what I haven't.

  24. #49

    Re: The best 9/11 video that you are ever likely to see.

    Dai, I saw the dancing Israelis video years ago but try as I might it appears to have disappeared from the worldwide web.

    Please tell me there was such a video and I'm not going gaga.

  25. #50

    Re: The best 9/11 video that you are ever likely to see.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Dai, I saw the dancing Israelis video years ago but try as I might it appears to have disappeared from the worldwide web.

    Please tell me there was such a video and I'm not going gaga.
    Slightly tied up at present looking at all of the testimony of the 300 British POW's who were in Auschwitz. Apparently none of them saw or heard anything like what has been described by the 'survivors'...

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