If someone said Splott David is really a Zionist pretending to be a anti-Zionist I wouldn't be surprised. Nothing is as it seems.

Most of the stuff we are told doesn't make sense. John Kerry is supposed to have only found out that his grandfather was Jewish when the Boston Globe told him in 2003. At that time he was running for President. What a load of rubbish. I'm nobody but even I have received contacts from people saying things like "Hey sillybollocks, I'm your third cousin. Our common ancestor was Charlie Littleknob from Knobville." To think that someone as famous as Kerry would not have had similar contacts from relatives is ludicrous. He knew exactly who his grandfather was.

I only mention John Kerry because I have just noticed that Corbyn has appointed to his shadow cabinet an MP who actually went to America to canvas for Lurch when he was running for President. Why would a socialist MP like Nick Brown want anything to do with a New World Order insider like Kerry, a man who is as rich and evil as anyone I can think of. That doesn't make sense. Why would Corbyn promote him? Is Corbyn really what he seems? I know another person close to Corbyn who also canvassed for Kerry.

I take very little for granted. I have always thought, without any evidence it must be said, that a well known former miner leader was actually an agent provocateur working for MI5. His private life just didn't fit his public image.