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Thread: The US Election Thread...

  1. #151
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: The US Election Thread...

    Quote Originally Posted by TruBlue View Post
    So much for the Bilderberg lot controlling everything. Another one foiled.
    Foiled? what about the grey bit?

  2. #152

    Re: The US Election Thread...

    Quote Originally Posted by TruBlue View Post
    So much for the Bilderberg lot controlling everything. Another one foiled.
    You mean you don't think he's owned by the establishment? Discover the connections his son-in-law Jared Kushner and campaign manager has. I predict the first country he visits as president will be the one next door to Lebanon, if you get my drift.

  3. #153

    Re: The US Election Thread...

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    Foiled? what about the grey bit?
    There was a time when Bilderberg was a buzzword for the loon army. It'll have to take a bit of a backseat along with Thermite, NWO and Flat Earth etc.

    Oh well, move on, new angle to invent tomorrow.

  4. #154

    Re: The US Election Thread...

    Unless it's in the Dandy or Beano you're a doubting Thomas.

    For all I know you have 20 quid in a Post Office account and hyperinflation would be neither here nor there to you.

  5. #155

    Re: The US Election Thread...

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Unless it's in the Dandy or Beano you're a doubting Thomas.

    For all I know you have 20 quid in a Post Office account and hyperinflation would be neither here nor there to you.
    You keep getting everything wrong, of course I'm going to doubt you.

    The Hillary been offered the job a decade ago is one of my favourites though.

  6. #156

    Re: The US Election Thread...

    You mentioned Bilderberg further up. They both attended Bilderberg 2008 in the USA. It was covered-up by the corporate media. But you don't care to know because you prefer to believe in inexplicable coincidences instead. Trump also stated over and over that he'd put Clinton in jail. Do you think he will?

  7. #157

    Re: The US Election Thread...

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    You mentioned Bilderberg further up. They both attended Bilderberg 2008 in the USA. It was covered-up by the corporate media. But you don't care to know because you prefer to believe in inexplicable coincidences instead. Trump also stated over and over that he'd put Clinton in jail. Do you think he will?
    Wasn't it reported on the loon sites that Clinton was the beefburgers choice this time around?

    That being the case and with all their power how come Trump has beaten their guy (or woman in this case)?

  8. #158

    Re: The US Election Thread...

    No, he won't put Hilary in jail, couldn't if he wanted to.
    He won't build that fecking wall either.
    But his rhetoric appealed to the masses who are too stupid to see through him

  9. #159

    Re: The US Election Thread...

    Quote Originally Posted by TruBlue View Post
    Wasn't it reported on the loon sites that Clinton was the beefburgers choice this time around?

    That being the case and with all their power how come Trump has beaten their guy (or woman in this case)?
    As I said, thanks to all the leaks, anyone with an interest knew she lied about mishandling government files. Who else but the brainless would believe that she didn't realise that folders with a big red C on the front of them did represent confidential, as she claimed. They would also know that she knew very well (because she stated so in an undisputed email) two years ago that Saudi Arabia and Qatar were (and are) ISIS' biggest sponsors, and yet she through her corrupt Clinton Foundation accepted millions from them. That's something else that's been covered-up by your beloved corporate media.

  10. #160
    International Vimana.'s Avatar
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    Re: The US Election Thread...

    Quote Originally Posted by TH63 View Post
    No, he won't put Hilary in jail, couldn't if he wanted to.
    He won't build that fecking wall either.
    But his rhetoric appealed to the masses who are too stupid to see through him
    At least that could never happen here.

  11. #161

    Re: The US Election Thread...

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    As I said, thanks to all the leaks, anyone with an interest knew she lied about mishandling government files. Who else but the brainless would believe that she didn't realise that folders with a big red C on the front of them did represent confidential, as she claimed. They would also know that she knew very well (because she stated so in an undisputed email) two years ago that Saudi Arabia and Qatar were (and are) ISIS' biggest sponsors, and yet she through her corrupt Clinton Foundation accepted millions from them. That's something else that's been covered-up by your beloved corporate media.
    Yet Trump still beat her. These Rothchilds must be losing their touch.

  12. #162

    Re: The US Election Thread...

    Quote Originally Posted by TruBlue View Post
    Yet Trump still beat her. These Rothchilds must be losing their touch.
    He certainly did. Assange in the Pilger interview last weekend said that Trump 'wouldn't be permitted to win.' He was wrong too, and he's very clued up. We'll know soon enough whether he's real or not. If he packs his cabinet with neocons (neocohens) then we'll know for sure who he's fronting.

  13. #163
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: The US Election Thread...

    Quote Originally Posted by TruBlue View Post
    There was a time when Bilderberg was a buzzword for the loon army. It'll have to take a bit of a backseat along with Thermite, NWO and Flat Earth etc.

    Oh well, move on, new angle to invent tomorrow.
    The Bilderbergs are the first thing you learn about at conspiracy school.

  14. #164

    Re: The US Election Thread...

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    The Bilderbergs are the first thing you learn about at conspiracy school.
    Luckily I was always never in the "special" class.

  15. #165
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: The US Election Thread...

    Quote Originally Posted by TruBlue View Post
    Luckily I was always never in the "special" class.
    Don't start that bitching with me just because Gluey is not here. Anyway, you were too busy being brainwashed in your own class.

  16. #166

    Re: The US Election Thread...

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I tempered that since then by stating she would be more of a liability than an asset thanks mainly to Wikileaks. That opinion poll I posted yesterday was spot on, shame I didn't have a bet on him. Trump has promised to 'drain the swamp'. I think that means end corruption, maybe lock some baddies up. He's also promised to end Obama Care, which is a millstone around American necks. Those who choose not to get health care insurance are fined. The Mexican Wall? That won't happen. For the first time in nearly a century Republicans control all of Congress along with the Presidency. One thing he will do is the infrastructure stuff with gazillions of magic money. That's what will cause global hyperinflation, and why you need some shiny.
    The guy who hasn't paid taxes for 20 years is gonna end corruption. Righty ho.

  17. #167

    Re: The US Election Thread...

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    The guy who hasn't paid taxes for 20 years is gonna end corruption. Righty ho.
    Quite. He was the best, or least worst, of the candidates though.

  18. #168

    Re: The US Election Thread...

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Quite. He was the best, or least worst, of the candidates though.
    Slightly less terrifying than the sociopathic candidate.

    There will never be another JFK type president, the dark forces proved that they have a veto on that.

  19. #169
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: The US Election Thread...

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Quite. He was the best, or least worst, of the candidates though.
    No - that was Jill Stein the Green candidate.

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