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Thread: I Daniel Blake

  1. #1

    I Daniel Blake

    Wouldn't be good for the blood pressure of any Tory boys on here but what a great film.
    The scene where the young woman grabs and opens and starts eating a can of beans at the food bank was shocking and very disturbing.
    She hadn't eaten for days, any money went to feed her children since her benefits were unfairly stopped. Don't want to be a spoiler but she ends on the game.

  2. #2

    Re: I Daniel Blake

    [QUOTE=jeremy corbyn;4696515]Wouldn't be good for the blood pressure of any Tory boys on here but what a great film.
    The scene where the young woman grabs and opens and starts eating a can of beans at the food bank was shocking and very disturbing.
    She hadn't eaten for days, any money went to feed her children since her benefits were unfairly stopped. Don't want to be a spoiler but she ends on the game

    Tory scum

  3. #3

    Re: I Daniel Blake

    If your a twee middle class yummy mummy you might have been shocked by this but being a free dinner kid all through my youth i found it quite normal.....thought the last scene was more powerful than the food bank scene.

  4. #4

    Re: I Daniel Blake

    Are there any good films on the iraq or afghan war.

    Like accurate ones where hundreds of thousands die as a result.

  5. #5

    Re: I Daniel Blake

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    The spoiler for me in the WMD for Sale blockbuster was when he sold the gold for nothing, then did the PFI trick before killing the economy leaving the new kid on the block with no money in the bank to clean up the sh1t they left behind. Apparently it is a sequel to the same film from 1979 - with the plot the same but just different actors
    You really have been brainwashed.
    As Sludge said. Tory scum

  6. #6
    International Vimana.'s Avatar
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    Re: I Daniel Blake

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Not at all princess, you really shouldn't be surprised if Loach makes films which are Conservative or American hating. He makes Corbyn appear moderate
    Corbyn is moderate. Certainly compared to some of those that we have (or have recently had) 'governing' our country.

  7. #7

    Re: I Daniel Blake

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Not at all princess, you really shouldn't be surprised if Loach makes films which are Conservative or American hating. He makes Corbyn appear moderate
    Irrespective of who is moderate or who isn't, irrespective of what happened in the past (prior to 2010), what are your thoughts on the subject matter of the film and the way that the subject has been portrayed in this film?

  8. #8

    Re: I Daniel Blake

    Quote Originally Posted by jeremy corbyn View Post
    You really have been brainwashed.
    As Sludge said. Tory scum
    Vile Lefty and your Lefty ilk.

  9. #9

    Re: I Daniel Blake

    Quote Originally Posted by Whisperer View Post
    If your a twee middle class yummy mummy you might have been shocked by this but being a free dinner kid all through my youth i found it quite normal.....thought the last scene was more powerful than the food bank scene.
    I had a working class upbringing but fortunately my dad always worked on the railways so there was always food on the table. The thought that anyone has to go to food banks in this day and age is sickening.
    Ps I am still working class

  10. #10

    Re: I Daniel Blake

    Quote Originally Posted by jeremy corbyn View Post
    I had a working class upbringing but fortunately my dad always worked on the railways so there was always food on the table. The thought that anyone has to go to food banks in this day and age is sickening.
    Ps I am still working class
    We live in a capitalist society where there are losers.

    Where is this socialist utopia you talk of?. It never has existed. Only in the smurfs.

    Labour did more to put people in poverty than the tories ever have done.

    Economic mismanagement.

    And the rise in food banks is as a result of cheap food and an increase in coverage.

    And Labour leading us gloriously into 2008.

  11. #11
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: I Daniel Blake

    Quote Originally Posted by LordKenwyne View Post
    We live in a capitalist society where there are losers.

    Where is this socialist utopia you talk of?. It never has existed. Only in the smurfs.

    Labour did more to put people in poverty than the tories ever have done.

    Economic mismanagement.

    And the rise in food banks is as a result of cheap food and an increase in coverage.

    And Labour leading us gloriously into 2008.
    I hear Venezuela is nice at this time of year.

  12. #12

    Re: I Daniel Blake

    I see the tory boys have returned to Labour knocking mode during the week when their party decided to go all Keynesian after telling us there was no alternative to austerity for the best part of a decade - what with stories like this as well,


    it's not really been the best of weeks to be a Conservative party cheerleader .
    Last edited by the other bob wilson; 25-11-16 at 13:49.

  13. #13

    Re: I Daniel Blake

    I don't vote conservative, it just annoys me that people in the opposition promise the world.

    When the majority of their MP's when actually questioned on how increased spending would reduce the deficit, they have nothing to offer.

    The alternative could be worse. Until they convince me otherwise then I won't believe them.

  14. #14

    Re: I Daniel Blake

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I see the tory boys have returned to Labour knocking mode during the week when their party decided to go all Keynesian after telling us there was no alternative to austerity for the best part of a decade - what with stories like this as well,


    it's not really been the best of weeks to be a Conservative party cheerleader .
    That's can't be the tories fault though. They always keep telling us how great they are with the economy. It must be someone else's fault. My money's on immigrants or people on benefits.

  15. #15

    Re: I Daniel Blake

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Shitpeas View Post
    That's can't be the tories fault though. They always keep telling us how great they are with the economy. It must be someone else's fault. My money's on immigrants or people on benefits.
    Read the Daily Mail - there you will find all your excuses/answers/tory shite.....etc.

  16. #16
    International Vimana.'s Avatar
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    Re: I Daniel Blake

  17. #17

    Re: I Daniel Blake

    Quote Originally Posted by LordKenwyne View Post
    I don't vote conservative, it just annoys me that people in the opposition promise the world.

    When the majority of their MP's when actually questioned on how increased spending would reduce the deficit, they have nothing to offer.

    The alternative could be worse. Until they convince me otherwise then I won't believe them.
    You do spend a lot of time defending the government though. You can hate them all equally you know?

  18. #18

    Re: I Daniel Blake

    Quote Originally Posted by LordKenwyne View Post
    I don't vote conservative, it just annoys me that people in the opposition promise the world.

    When the majority of their MP's when actually questioned on how increased spending would reduce the deficit, they have nothing to offer.

    The alternative could be worse. Until they convince me otherwise then I won't believe them.
    Quite right-they are all it for their own ends.The days of being in public service are long gone at the political level whoever they pretend to serve.

  19. #19

    Re: I Daniel Blake

    I volunteer 2 afternoons a week in a Citizens Advice Centre & TBH think the film is pretty factual regarding how people are treated by DWP & assessment companies & the resultant outcome.
    I have just been involved in a case where a client had been on DLA for 25 years due to severe mental health problems.
    The person had been previously sectioned several times, had attempted suicide several times, self harmed etc.
    The husband had eventually given up a well paid job to become her full time carer as things were so bad.
    They are on a raft of very strong medication to try to stabilise them.
    They have just had a PIP face to face assessment.
    Prior to the assessment they sent letters from their consultant psychiatrist, psychtriatic nurse & GP all stating that there was no way they could work.
    The PIP assessment has totally ignored the evidence given by trained medical professionals with years of experience in both their field & with this particular patient & decided that they are fit for work !
    DLA & carers has been stopped & the couple have both been told to look for work.
    The wife is totally incapable of looking for or doing work & the husband is afraid to leave the wife, should he be able to find work, due to the possible outcome so they are receiving no benefits.
    An appeal has just been started which they will probably win but they have no income between now & the outcome of the appeal.
    I fear for both of them during the next at least 6 months as they await an appeal with no money & bills piling up.
    The govt claims that it"s aim is weeding out abusers of the system & helping those that can work back in to work.
    the film in question & my own experience shows this not to be the case.
    I think that they are failing miserably & it is those who know how to abuse the system that can & will continue abusing it whilst genuine claimants who don"t are subjected to measures that they should not be.
    God help anyone in this country that falls on hard times, for whatever reason.

  20. #20

    Re: I Daniel Blake

    Quote Originally Posted by headlight View Post
    I volunteer 2 afternoons a week in a Citizens Advice Centre & TBH think the film is pretty factual regarding how people are treated by DWP & assessment companies & the resultant outcome.
    I have just been involved in a case where a client had been on DLA for 25 years due to severe mental health problems.
    The person had been previously sectioned several times, had attempted suicide several times, self harmed etc.
    The husband had eventually given up a well paid job to become her full time carer as things were so bad.
    They are on a raft of very strong medication to try to stabilise them.
    They have just had a PIP face to face assessment.
    Prior to the assessment they sent letters from their consultant psychiatrist, psychtriatic nurse & GP all stating that there was no way they could work.
    The PIP assessment has totally ignored the evidence given by trained medical professionals with years of experience in both their field & with this particular patient & decided that they are fit for work !
    DLA & carers has been stopped & the couple have both been told to look for work.
    The wife is totally incapable of looking for or doing work & the husband is afraid to leave the wife, should he be able to find work, due to the possible outcome so they are receiving no benefits.
    An appeal has just been started which they will probably win but they have no income between now & the outcome of the appeal.
    I fear for both of them during the next at least 6 months as they await an appeal with no money & bills piling up.
    The govt claims that it"s aim is weeding out abusers of the system & helping those that can work back in to work.
    the film in question & my own experience shows this not to be the case.
    I think that they are failing miserably & it is those who know how to abuse the system that can & will continue abusing it whilst genuine claimants who don"t are subjected to measures that they should not be.
    God help anyone in this country that falls on hard times, for whatever reason.
    Wasting your time with the Marseilles on here mate , as long as they are ok who cares about anyone else ? Keep up the good work by the way

  21. #21
    International Vimana.'s Avatar
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    Re: I Daniel Blake


    That's a harrowing and petrifying account.
    It is hard to believe that this is happening on Britain in 2016.

    Good on you for giving up your time.

  22. #22

    Re: I Daniel Blake

    Quote Originally Posted by LordKenwyne View Post
    We live in a capitalist society where there are losers.

    Where is this socialist utopia you talk of?. It never has existed. Only in the smurfs.

    Labour did more to put people in poverty than the tories ever have done.

    Economic mismanagement.

    And the rise in food banks is as a result of cheap food and an increase in coverage.

    And Labour leading us gloriously into 2008.
    I'm afraid the facts don't support that statement. The Tories have imposed severe austerity and the poor and vulnerable have taken the brunt of it.

    The worst part of it is they have only just realised that their one eyed approach to the economy hasnt been working, and they have been stifling it. All that additional misery and suffering caused for nothing other than dogma. Under the Tories the debt will reach 90% of gdp during a period of growth. I thought we were supposed to be fixing the roof while the sun shines?

  23. #23

    Re: I Daniel Blake

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    I'm afraid the facts don't support that statement. The Tories have imposed severe austerity and the poor and vulnerable have taken the brunt of it.

    The worst part of it is they have only just realised that their one eyed approach to the economy hasnt been working, and they have been stifling it. All that additional misery and suffering caused for nothing other than dogma. Under the Tories the debt will reach 90% of gdp during a period of growth. I thought we were supposed to be fixing the roof while the sun shines?
    You may be right.

    But what would labour have done post 2008, that would have reduced the deficit?.

  24. #24

    Re: I Daniel Blake

    Quote Originally Posted by LordKenwyne View Post
    You may be right.

    But what would labour have done post 2008, that would have reduced the deficit?.
    Invested more to develop the economy.
    Taxed the rich more.
    Ensured that any cuts were not felt disproportionately more by the poor and vulnerable.

    It would be very interesting if an independent body like the OBR could try to model what would have happened if we had followed the approach set out by labour.

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