Quote Originally Posted by LordKenwyne View Post
This myth that the rich do not pay their "fair share" will always win some votes, but this sort of punishment of financial success will never win in the modern world, I don't think.

We are allowed to earn what ever father jeremy tells us we can....

When you think he is building momentum he throws a spanner in the works and you realise why electing him would be a huge risk.



This is what Jeremy Corbyn said about a law putting a cap on earnings. John Humphrys asked if he would like to limit how much fat cats can earn. Corbyn replied.

I would like there to be some kind of high earnings cap, quite honestly.

When asked at what level the cap should be set, he replied:

I can’t put a figure on it and I don’t want to at the moment ...

The point I’m trying to make is that we have the worst levels of income disparity of most of the OECD countries in this country. It is getting worse. And corporate taxation is a part of it. If we want to live in a more egalitarian society, and fund our public services, we cannot go on creating worse levels of inequality.

Then Humphrys asked him if he was really talking about a law to limit income. At first Corbyn appeared to row back a little bit.

I think let’s look at it ... I’ve got a view on it ... I’m not wedded to a figure on it.

But, when pressed again, Corbyn, was unequivocal.

I would like to see a maximum earnings limit, quite honestly, because I think that would be a fairer thing to do. Because we cannot set ourselves up as being a grossly unequal, bargain basement economy on the shores of Europe. We have to be something that is more egalitarian, gives real opportunities to everybody and properly funds our public services. Look at the crisis in the NHS as an example.
I'm always saying that people should not try to pass off their own opinions as facts, but it's very tempting to say that what you call a myth is actually a fact.