Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
Childish, desperate and wrong.

Both my siblings are higher rate tax payers, as are their partners. I see an unfair system where they pay a huge portion of their income while far richer people and massive companies can manipulate it to pay sod all.

Inequality grew under labour, grew under the coalition and is growing under the Tories = the definition of a rigged system. We see ideological diatribe against the union's from this government daily and yesterday we saw stories suggesting 'record bonus payouts since the financial crisis', the only possibl result of these two things is even greater inequality.
I am childish and you come steamrolling into the thread.

I am defending the high earners who get lampooned on social media every minute of every day. I am not defending the ultra rich in their ivory towers.

I've said "generalise" more times than I can remember in this thread. But people do generalise about the wealthy and rich. You separate them, most do not.

You have misinterpreted what I meant. There is no reason to even argue, as we agree!.