Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
You have an overactive imagination. If there is a World War involving Russia and America we will all be destroyed by nuclear weapons.
I'm pretty certain I said something along those lines, although I think that it is equally presumptive to assume that a war involving America and Russia will just descend into a Nuclear Holocaust. The fact is, if Russia and America went to war, it would take place outside Russia and America. So it could be some other country that took the brunt of nuclear bombs, if any.

Maybe my imagination is overactive, maybe you have misinterpreted my post as saying that WW3 will happen. It may do, it may not do, how do I know? In the same way, how do I know how it would unravel? I'm just joining the dots of various points of tension around the world, and making some hypotheses that I am not expecting to even be 1% correct.

Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
All the other stuff in your scenario is redundant. Your war mongering talk about Putin expanding "his empire" is dangerous and foolish. He is not the Zsar. He is a democratic politician.
Firstly, how can a post about potential WW3 scenarios be
a) war-mongering
b) dangerous?

Do you think this post is going to ignite the blue touch paper?

Secondly, Putin has expanded. He has expanded in the Crimea. Thirdly, Adolf Hitler was a democratically elected politician. As were Tony Blair and George W Bush. Do you think a democratically elected politician is incapable of being an expansionist?

I don't think a lot of my scenario is redundant, because I think that the Americans will withdraw from NATO, and will focus on a conflict with China that will not descend into Nuclear War (apart from the North Korean possibility).

Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
They used to tell us the Russians were going to attack us with nuclear weapons because they were communists. I don't know what the reason is now. Ditto the Chinese. But now they want those same Chinese communist to build our nuclear power stations. They said we had to stop Vietnam going communist otherwise God knows what would happen. They told us that we should support Pol Pot's attempts to overturn the Vietnamese liberation of Cambodia. But now we are going to communist Vietnam for our holidays.
Not sure that one exception proves any rule.


Shows that the Russians are quite busy on building up a nuclear arsenal. It has nothing to do with them being Communist or otherwise. You could equally argue that the Americans are the aggressors as their main aim is to "protect the American way of life".

World War 2 pulled the Americans out of a depression. It is more likely that a war will be triggered by a global financial melt-down than any of the things I've said.