Quote Originally Posted by BlueArmy 86 View Post
Watched Lion tonight. What a top film! Anyone else seen it as I have a question
Quote Originally Posted by BlueArmy 86 View Post

I watched a really good copy on kodi, but for the best part of an hour at the start they're talking bengal (I think) with no subtitles.

Now I don't know if that's for effect because the young Sirou is lost and doesn't understand the language in Calcutta, or whether it just missing cos it's a copy. There's not a great deal of dialogue and you manage to follow what's going on so I get the feeling it's the former..just wanted to know if anyone saw it in the cinema and can confirm it!

We saw it yesterday. Brilliant film - especially the early part in India. Genuine tear-jerker at the end.

In answer to your question - yes there are subtitles from the start whenever Hindi or Bengali are spoken. So you didn't watch a really good copy. We met a friend on the way out of the cinema whose daughter had watched a 'dodgy' download a few days before, and that was also without subtitles. She wasn't as confident as you that she was following the story properly without them.