Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
The sex trafficking of minors is beyond politics, there may be serious faces outed male & female, this may turn out be a marker in history as it may involve faces from all over the globe, this isn’t a Fred from down the pub story, whoever is/are involved, sides are irrelevant , I’ll not comment about who has most to fear, a) I don’t know, b) they are all scum, if I had a concern it would be that it is the SDNY that are the prosecutors and that the profile of some who may get indicted would be beyond the law. His (JE) indictment is being unsealed on Monday I think, the almost stick it on an inside page by the MSM is the early clue.
I said this was coming a year or two ago, and I was openly mocked by some posters on here. Why would they take the side of the pedos when there are innocent children involved? Surely you would err on the side of caution instead of writing it off as some kind of conspiracy theory? I mentioned at the time there would be a reckoning, and that some people would find themselves on the wrong side of history. Believing what is written by a complicit news media is no defence, and neither is being plain old stupid.