Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
It was a referendum, there were 2 official campaigns - I dont think leave.eu was one of those - so I guess what they did with someone elses money is up to them.

Just as the Sun used to say "It was the Sun that won it" , that Murdoch rag, owned by an American / Australian has been saying he's been influencing elections since whenever he took over the paper - along with all his other newspapers.

What this Mercer bloke it seems was use Social Media to place advertisements. FaceBook allows you to geo target their users, so you can advertise to Men or Women, pick whatever age group you want, in whatever location you want. You can then select adverts to run on people with interests in certain subjects - photography, music etc - whatever you want. It's how FaceBook makes so much money. I dont know the whys and wherefores of this story you talk about though.

The same sort of advertising model is used by Google and BING, they know roughly what you like and dont like etc .

In the states the Democrat campaign spent about $1.4 billion , whereas the Republicans spent about half that - and they still won, presume they both used the same advertising platforms - it seems one message got through whilst the other didnt - I guess the same was true for the UK referendum.
Yep its targetting a selected audience and the opposition can't do anything about it as they won't be aware of it. It shows Brexiteers as suckers though. They resented Obama's interference during the Referendum campaign yet another American was interfering and his money was pulling strings from behind the scenes.