Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
Let's see where the chips fall. Either the Russians are pulling Nunes strings, or he is spot on and the memo is going to name those in the Obama administration who were conspiring to subvert the United States electoral system, and unseat a sitting president. It's either one or the other, no matter how hard you try to undermine this extremely serious matter.
I am far more sceptical of both the motives and facts around the memo than you. There is a whole industry squealing for it to be released when Trump has it in his power to authorise that without any procedure tomorrow. Much more fun watching Nunes et al playing kiss and tell for 19 working days in Congress for something that eats at the heart of US national security and is bigger than Watergate I guess.

I am trying to undermine the legitimacy of an assertion you made that MSM has said or intimated that Nunes is a Russian spy though. Given your track record in castigating the MSM for supposed fake news it is pretty rich to come on here and make some up yourself.