Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
Going off on a slight tangent but the fact that this convicted criminal is on this programme being interviewed , smiling and joking away and getting attention for his book makes me vomit.

He’s obviously bright and intelligent to get where he got but for whatever reason decided to engage in the activities which got him convicted.

He’s now aggrandising himself and will no doubt benefit financially.

Like some of these ****ers in Parliament who Lord over us who claim dodgy expenses **** all happens and somehow they benefit from their actions from the old boy network or whatever the American version is.

I can’t do a few of the jobs I’m trained for because sadly due to taking out a consolidated loan on my property years ago (which I’m still paying) my financial history means I’d fail vetting yet ***** like the above fall on their feet despite their criminal activities.

I accept the world isn’t fair but some days it doesn’t half piss you off.
I'm sorry to hear about your predicament, and the two rules of law is one element of the system that needs to be fixed. Papadopoulos only served 11 days in jail, so if he was smart he would be better served keeping his head down, and his mouth shut ... unless everything he is saying is true. In which case he would be highlighting the two rules of law which you find so distateful. What if all that spying did take place and they were framing people like Trump, Flynn & Papadopoulos to cover their tracks? Time for another charity bet?