Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
Dual tactics, discredit the person who is under whistleblower protection (likely person already outed on the alt-right sites that pretend to care about the US Constitution) and to discourage others (presumably from saying how squeaky clean and perfect Trump is on other matters or things he may do in the future).

The first bit is a distraction as Trump appointed officials have already given first hand accounts which go further than the whistleblower statement. Indeed Trump and his Chief of Staff have confessed more than that, live on tv! Obviously there will be a few slavish acolytes that follow the distraction.

The second bit.. who knows. Can't remember too many campaigns being won by retreating ever further into a bunker but then again Twitter is a more recent innovation for the paranoid and cornered.
The Russia thing never truly convinced me about 'collusion' but there were things that I thought constituted investigations (the Trump Tower meeting, Trump publicly asking Russia to hack Clinton's emails and Trump firing Comey after asking him to do him a favour), but this scandal seems to have a lot more going for it at the moment.

I won't get my hopes up until he's physically out of office though.