Yesterday Trump once again declared via twitter the US economy to be the greatest ever. The day before he called on the Federal Reserve Bank to cut their interest rate not to 0% but to negative. Yesterday that bank cut the interest rate a quarter point to 1.5%. That was its third quarter point cut in successive months and is now further below its official consumer price inflation number of 2%. Real consumer inflation is running at 10% in the US which means that any citizen whose income is not increasing by 10% is becoming poorer in real terms. That will include every pensioner who will or have had a 2% increase in their payment and effectively become 8% poorer along with everyone else there on a fixed income, every government and state employee (including Trump) and in all likelihood virtually every private employee.

This is happening while their stock markets are hitting new all-time highs and their unemployment rate is at an all-time low. But just like their fiddled inflation rate both the markets and the jobless rate are manipulated to the nth degree too. In short, it's an illusion to mask the fact their economy is tanking while their people become poorer at a rate of knots. What they can't hide but do conceal with the aid of a complicit corporate media is the staggering number of homeless Yanks there are as a result.

When what's become known as the everything bubble bursts that's been inflated by injecting more and more debt into the system while artificially suppressing interest rates and publishing wholly fake economic data then there'll be chaos worldwide because all currencies are derivatives of the US dollar. Whether the purchasing power of that currency goes to nil first or last is anyone's guess. That they will crash and burn is baked in. The question which remains is when it'll occur. Most experts seem to believe the bell will toll when Trump gets his wish of a negative interest rate which will be the spring or summer of 2020.