I can't get over how different these two sides of the Trump Russia Collusion story are, and how devided people are, as they become fully invested in one version or the other. There will be a lot of introspection from those who got it totally wrong, and I can't see how they would ever be able to believe the media again. Just imagine if it turns out the citizen journalists and the small people on the internet were the ones who got it right. Minds everywhere are going to explode, and it's going to be like Kavanaugh x100.

In a way, I hope lardy is right about all of his many predictions, as it would be a lot easier that way. I personally have been continually flying close to the wind, and have fully expected to crash and burn at any given moment, as you all thought I would! But I am still here, and no closer to being proven wrong than I was two years ago.

It's been quite educational studying a political system in detail where everybody isn't scratching each others backs. The bad news is I fear everything that is being discovered now happens everywhere. It does seem like all the institutions of the state are set up against the people, or they have been infiltrated to make them that way. You can hate Trump, but I will be thankful for this glimpse we have had from behind the certain. Some of it has been truly mind boggling.