Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
You've read Sapiens, so you know how Incredibly easy it is to get people to believe absolutely anything with a little bit of PR and/or propaganda. Once you know the game, you only need to look out for consistencies and inconsistencies on both sides of every story. You are incredibly thorough when researching your football articles, but not so much in the real world. You seem to rely on the work of others, who some may consider a little biased, while totally ignoring contrasting points of view. It's not a critique of you personally, it's how we've all been brought up, in the home and in the classroom.
You always try to portray yourself as the independent observer willing to weigh up all of the options before arriving at a decision. On the other hand, I know full well that, politically, I always tend to come at things from the point of view of the values I've had all of my life, so it's reasonable to assume that I get things wrong every now and again. However, in the last week, I started a thread that was critical of the Labour party and I've also said fairly recently on here that I believe Donald Trump should receive credit for his meeting with Kim Jong Un, so, although it doesn't happen too often, I am capable of coming to decisions which go against the grain of my general thinking.
Given the way you portray yourself, I would expect a far more balanced approach from you compared to an old leftie like me, but, during the period that you have posted on politics on here, you have ALWAYS come down on the same side of the argument!
Now, as someone who "knows the game" and recognises the value of PR and propaganda, are you really saying that all of the PR and propaganda from one of the parties playing "the game" is 100% correct and everything from the other one is 100% wrong?
Lately you have taken to bragging about how you have been proved right in so many things that you say. Sorry, but anyone who believes that they are always right and, by implication, everything in the argument they completely support is correct is just showing how much they are ruled by dogma. You talk about propaganda, well, your approach to it seems to be entirely dependent on who is spreading it - at least I'm able to maintain a smidgeon of independent thinking and an ability to be critical of those I'm broadly supportive of, judging by your contributions on here, you've long since lost that facility.