As I turned on the radio this morning I found myself listening to someone I thought sounded a bit thick but he had been a very good footballer. Great players, like Gascoigne and Beckham, are usually more likely to eat a rubik's cube than to solve it. On the pitch they have vision and awareness but as soon as the final whistle blows the lights get switched off in their brains. I can't think of any very good players who were also very intelligent. Clark Carlisle has a high IQ but on the field he is mainly remembered for his own goals and cock-ups. Phil Neale used to read War and Peace in Russian on the team bus. But that was not the Phil Neal who won loads of trophies with Liverpool. The clever Phil Neale played for Scunthorpe and Lincoln and won nothing of note at soccer, but he was very good at cricket.

I know most of us on here are laughably stupid - why else would we post rubbish all day - but can you think of a very good footballer you would trust to think his way out a dangerous situation if you were trapped there with him? Imagine you are in a deadly maze with a spiked ball coming after the pair of you and either you or the footballer has to solve a puzzle to get out of the maze. Suppose you had to answer the puzzle using a touchscreen on the maze door wouldn't you just push or kick him out of the way and try and solve it yourself.

Most of the footballers who used to be on Quizball in the 1960s seemed brighter than the footballers of today, but today's footballers are much better players. Is there is an inverse relationship between football ability and intelligence?