Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
There's lots of different types of intelligence. IQ tests don't test all of them.

But I'm just interested why you said doing a degree isn't a sign of intelligence while your OP uses solving a single puzzle as its example of being very intelligent.
Firms like Google and Microsoft often choose job candidates based on their answers to puzzles. If in my maze example you had the chance to set the other person a puzzle to test their intelligence or you could assess their intelligence by their class and type of degree which would you choose? You can bluff and cheat your way through university and get a degree. You can get a degree in most subjects by working very hard if you are not very bright. But I would guess that some puzzles if they have not been seen before can only be done if you are very intelligent. By the way, when that spiked ball is coming towards you in the maze you would not consider things like emotional intelligence as real intelligence. You just want someone with enough brain power to solve the puzzle.