Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
Are you comparing a religion the majority of which aren't terrorists to the Nazis?

It's no wonder ccmb is the place I always come for the opinion of idiots.
No, he was saying I think, that it only took a small amount of the population of Germany to take the country over to Nazism the rest of the population then became irrelevant. There are indeed 1.6 billion Muslims in the world and if only a tiny percentage, say 1% follow Islamic scripture to it's word, then that is a heck of a lot of people who would like to kill you and all your family as a kaffir. The problem is the ideology of that small % and the fear from the 99% that they may be considered apostates. Which is punishable by death. Studies show though, that a lot more than 1% would not talk to the police about things in their communities, and a hell of a lot around 67% although I may be a few points out, believe things such as homosexuality should be illegal in this country.