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Thread: Shootings in Paris

  1. #26

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by TH63 View Post
    America murdered 129,000 innocent civilians at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. So far, the only nation to have used nuclear weapons in anger seems very concerned not to let any other countries develop such weapons.
    Is America a "cancer"?
    How many more millions would have died? Japan would never have surrendered without those bombs, the POW's would have still been tortured and mutilated for years, war is horrid and I hope we never see it again, but that act stopped an horrendous casualty list. If and when the US and the Uk invaded Japan what do you think might have happened. Sorry to rant but these arguments hold little water. I wish that no civilian ever dies again but, they are dying now on on European streets.

  2. #27

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by Something Blue View Post
    How many more millions would have died? Japan would never have surrendered without those bombs, the POW's would have still been tortured and mutilated for years, war is horrid and I hope we never see it again, but that act stopped an horrendous casualty list. If and when the US and the Uk invaded Japan what do you think might have happened. Sorry to rant but these arguments hold little water. I wish that no civilian ever dies again but, they are dying now on on European streets.
    Japan deserved it. Evil kunts murdered millions in China and other Asian countries. If ever a country deserved an atom bomb dropped on their heads then Japan definitely deserved it

  3. #28
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by Silures View Post
    Japan deserved it. Evil kunts murdered millions in China and other Asian countries. If ever a country deserved an atom bomb dropped on their heads then Japan definitely deserved it
    How many melted 5 year olds who died an agonising death in a flattened wasteland were responsible for murder?

  4. #29

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    How many melted 5 year olds who died an agonising death in a flattened wasteland were responsible for murder?
    How many 5year old children did it save? Look what the Japs done to Chinese children. They needed to be stopped. They were ****ing brutal. Those bombs saved hundreds of thousands. Many many children were saved

  5. #30

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by Something Blue View Post
    How many more millions would have died? Japan would never have surrendered without those bombs, the POW's would have still been tortured and mutilated for years, war is horrid and I hope we never see it again, but that act stopped an horrendous casualty list. If and when the US and the Uk invaded Japan what do you think might have happened. Sorry to rant but these arguments hold little water. I wish that no civilian ever dies again but, they are dying now on on European streets.
    Untrue. They had wanted to surrender for months beforehand. Their only condition was that the Emperor remained.

  6. #31

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Here you go pal.
    Like I said, if any country deserved to be flattened, then Japan would be my call. They were worse than the nazis

  7. #32

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Untrue. They had wanted to surrender for months beforehand. Their only condition was that the Emperor remained.
    Ok and you think that would have been acceptable to the allies do you? The Germans knew they were beaten too, maybe they should have surrendered but their only condition was that Hitler remained chancellor. Holy shit never mind semantics, as has been said in the thread they were an evil that needed to be stopped.

  8. #33

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    How many melted 5 year olds who died an agonising death in a flattened wasteland were responsible for murder?
    Not as many as would have been, if that regime had been allowed to fester. ffs.

  9. #34

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    It was acceptable to the Allies. The Emperor remained in situ following their surrender. Although, he did have to renounce his divinity.

  10. #35

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    It was acceptable to the Allies. The Emperor remained in situ following their surrender. Although, he did have to renounce his divinity.
    Ok, I'll concede to your obvious knowledge. Cheers.
    Now, and not aimed at you, does anybody else want to get back on the track that went away, you know the problem with islamists.

  11. #36

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by Something Blue View Post
    Ok, I'll concede to your obvious knowledge. Cheers.
    Now, and not aimed at you, does anybody else want to get back on the track that went away, you know the problem with islamists.
    Maybe we could start with not interfering in their countries? Maybe stop bombing them?

    Or we could start asking ourselves some challenging questions about why some muslims in our country (and France obviously) feel so disenfranchised with the country of their birth that they feel the need to carry out these attacks?

    Failing that, we could just nuke Paris I suppose.

  12. #37

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by TH63 View Post
    Failing that, we could just nuke Paris I suppose.
    i am all for that count me in. the place is full of fannies.

  13. #38

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by ken smith View Post
    What about dinosaurs. I bet they killed more cavemen than America have. Are dinosaurs a cancer?
    It's pretty unlikely that they did.

  14. #39

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by PerryJason View Post
    Any good news to regurgitate Bazza, bit boring concentrating on all the negatives
    honestly lifes a lesson

    go **** yourself you absolute cretinous arsehole ****

  15. #40
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    May 2008

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Untrue. They had wanted to surrender for months beforehand. Their only condition was that the Emperor remained.

    At no time before the dropping of the second bomb did the Japanese attempt to surrender, the most they were willing to do was an armistice with a return to pre war borders.

  16. #41

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by Silures View Post
    I'd say 90% of Cardiff fans back in the day were total nutters. As for muslims, **** em all. I'll respect anyone as a human being, as soon as they start hiding behind there religion, they can do one as far as I'm concerned. And As for this small minority crap...Just a shame the small minority of extremist muslims runs into the millions.
    There is no way 90% of Cardiff fans back then were nutters.

    You say there are "millions" of extremist Muslims. Pure conjecture.

  17. #42

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by ken smith View Post
    What about dinosaurs. I bet they killed more cavemen than America have. Are dinosaurs a cancer?
    Dinosaurs died long before there were "cave"men. If you want to use a smart comment, try being smart.

  18. #43

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by goslow View Post
    At no time before the dropping of the second bomb did the Japanese attempt to surrender, the most they were willing to do was an armistice with a return to pre war borders.
    The Americans would only accept unconditional surrender. This, some argue, prolonged the war. Others argue that it prevented future conflicts.

    The Japanese Council was split (after the first bomb) on whether to surrender conditionally. They were hoping to negotiate with Russia, who had only just declared war on the Japanese themselves. The military wanted to keep on fighting and when Hirohito ordered surrender, there was an attempt to overthrow him by the military. It's the Russian invasion that forced the Japanese to surrender -in my opinion. The Americans had two bombs and had used them both, and the Japanese had resisted surrender during the fire bombing campaign.

  19. #44

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by TH63 View Post
    Maybe we could start with not finterfering in their countries? Maybe stop bombing them?

    Or we could start asking ourselves some challenging questions about why some muslims in our country (and France obviously) feel so disenfranchised with the country of their birth that they feel the need to carry out these attacks?

    Failing that, we could just nuke Paris I suppose.
    Whilst I agree that the western world interfering in other countries does contribute to a hostile feeling, isis and their followers are on a jihad,they are taking the Koran to it's word. They shout allahu akbar when carrying out atrocities, not get out of our countries. There are citizens of countries never invaded, 3 from Cardiff! I'm afraid Islam and Islamic radicalisation is at the heart of this, they want their caliphate and no amount of foreign policy will alter that aim. Sad that in the 21st century people still kill for a fairy tale.

  20. #45
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    How many melted 5 year olds who died an agonising death in a flattened wasteland were responsible for murder?
    Quote Originally Posted by Something Blue View Post
    Not as many as would have been, if that regime had been allowed to fester. ffs.
    ffs indeed.

    You and Silures seem happy to conflate the innocent victims of American bombs with the brutal military regime that ran the state where they happened to live. You can argue that bombing civilians produces terror and reduces morale to the point where a political objective is achieved (surrender) but I will not accept that the victims deserved their fate. They didn't murder Chinese children. I don't understand how people can approve of collective punishment based on race or nationality on the grounds that it is deserved or some type of justice. A pragmatic 'lesser of two evils' argument maybe, but not that.

  21. #46

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by Something Blue View Post
    Whilst I agree that the western world interfering in other countries does contribute to a hostile feeling, isis and their followers are on a jihad,they are taking the Koran to it's word. They shout allahu akbar when carrying out atrocities, not get out of our countries. There are citizens of countries never invaded, 3 from Cardiff! I'm afraid Islam and Islamic radicalisation is at the heart of this, they want their caliphate and no amount of foreign policy will alter that aim. Sad that in the 21st century people still kill for a fairy tale.
    Yes, three from Cardiff so we need to understand WHY three Cardiff born lads suddenly felt the need to go to another country to fight, and the go about curing the disease and not just treat (bomb) the symptoms.

    Of course radicalisation is at the heart of this, it surely we have to ask why only a minority allow themselves to be radicalised?

    What your suggesting is similar to condemning Catholic, like me, for the crimes of the IRA, and go find out why THEY were formed in the first place, I think you'll find a common theme there.

    We need solutions, you're not offering any I'm afraid, just reproducing more rhetoric.

  22. #47

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    ffs indeed.

    You and Silures seem happy to conflate the innocent victims of American bombs with the brutal military regime that ran the state where they happened to live. You can argue that bombing civilians produces terror and reduces morale to the point where a political objective is achieved (surrender) but I will not accept that the victims deserved their fate. They didn't murder Chinese children. I don't understand how people can approve of collective punishment based on race or nationality on the grounds that it is deserved or some type of justice. A pragmatic 'lesser of two evils' argument maybe, but not that.
    Fuk Japan. Lucky to get away with only 2 atom bombs dropped on there heads Imo, after what they got up to

  23. #48

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    There is no way 90% of Cardiff fans back then were nutters.

    You say there are "millions" of extremist Muslims. Pure conjecture.
    Bollox. You had to be nuts to support Cardiff back in the day. What were fans going to watch? The great football on offer lol? And if you don't think there are millions of extremist muslims about in the world, then you need to dig your head out of the sand.whats the population of Saudi Arabia? There's your million without me even trying. This is the problem. No one makes excuses for any other religion, but everyone seems to want to jump to the defence of a religion with an idioligy that's says it's ok to murder gays, and woman who dare show to much flesh. Kill people who don't believe in that idioligy. Like I said....Fuk Muslim and islam. The sooner that religion is wiped out, the better

  24. #49

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by Silures View Post
    Bollox. You had to be nuts to support Cardiff back in the day. What were fans going to watch? The great football on offer lol? And if you don't think there are millions of extremist muslims about in the world, then you need to dig your head out of the sand.whats the population of Saudi Arabia? There's your million without me even trying. This is the problem. No one makes excuses for any other religion, but everyone seems to want to jump to the defence of a religion with an idioligy that's says it's ok to murder gays, and woman who dare show to much flesh. Kill people who don't believe in that idioligy. Like I said....**** Muslim and islam
    Wow, what a rant, and what amazing leaps of fantasy you take.

    OK - by your new definition of the word "nutters" then 100% of us were nutters. You were implying something else though, let's not pretend that you weren't.

    You're also changing your definition of extremists. Do you not think it is possible to have extreme views (you quote Saudi Arabia) without becoming terrorists?

    Then you're claiming I am making excuses for the religion. I make no excuses for anyone. Most religions advocate murder as a form of punishment, the Bible says an eye for an eye. Try staying factual, because you're coming across as a Daily Express reader at present, scared shitless of the world that you live in.

  25. #50

    Re: Shootings in Paris

    Quote Originally Posted by Silures View Post
    Fuk Japan. Lucky to get away with only 2 atom bombs dropped on there heads Imo, after what they got up to
    Controversial by design! The Americans only had two bombs at the time. The third one was a month away, and the fourth would have been dropped in November.

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