Quote Originally Posted by giddyblue View Post
this. taking personalities from this board would kill it. seriously. mrs r and steve r are good eggs croesy you ****ing cretin
Whilst I don't know the R's personally, I can honestly say that Mrs R is a very thoughtful, intelligent and kind lady.
The other people on that list are also big personalities, but in my view also add a great deal to this forum, ok I suspect that they all know each other in "real life" and that some people may feel left out, but that's not their fault.
This MB would be much poorer without them imho.
I have no idea who croesy blue is, or what his previous moniker was, but other than this thread I also found him to be an ok poster.
The tone of the MB seems to go in peaks and troughs, and changes and evolves as posters come and go, recently there seems to have been a few new ones who I could do without, but I'm sure things will change for the better.