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Thread: This Tory campaign

  1. #51

    Re: This Tory campaign

    [QUOTE=ninianclark;4739062]You'd want a young Ken Clark to be leader of the conservatives and in charge of Brexit talks - that

    Well done. Er yes I would because he wouldn't be pandering to the lowest denominator unlike May. I suspect his approach would bring about a more cordial approach in negotiations but thats lost on you.

  2. #52

    Re: This Tory campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Don't forget now, not Feedback's not a tory.

    Going to the original point of this thread - the tory policy this week appears to be to bleat on about those Johnny Foreigner types who are not playing by the rules in the lead up to the Brexit negotiations, don't they know our strong, stable leader has promised everyone a red, white and blue Brexit?


  3. #53

    Re: This Tory campaign

    So far on this Tory campaign we have had slogans, we have had May refusing to speak to any potential neutral or opposition voter and May attacking our EU neighbors before she (likely result) goes to negotiate with them.

    Sorry, I forgot that they also re-issued an Ed Milliband proposed policy. A policy which was heavily criticised when he suggested it but now seems quite alright really.

  4. #54

    Re: This Tory campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by Pearcey3 View Post
    Indeed it is jingoistic nonsense and the good old British electorate will lap it up. The sad part is that it is so easy for May to wheel out this rhetoric but the bigger picture is that it diminshes the prospects of a deal with the EU.
    There will be a day of reckoning for May. It will not happen for a few years but when it does happen she will be shown up for the weak politician that she really is
    Not that I disagree with your opinion but why is it jingoistic nonsense. May is just playing to her crowd - a crowd she knows are going to be heavily influenced by brexit one way or another

  5. #55

    Re: This Tory campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Spot on, and we next have the German elections in September, that's why Merkel is in Russia as we speak, trying to look strong on the world's stage , your right about France and with Germany going to the polls European leaders are looking over their shoulders with worry , they cannot be seen to be handing or being weak on any deal with the UK ,mhence all this recent rhetoric ,May is not divulging the content of her meetings , Juncker & his mates are , which is not the right etiquette, it shows how worried they are , as its timing is apt as France heads to the polls on the 7th .

    May will be tested over the next few years , think a strong approach is needed , folk talk about May's behaviour to them , I think theirs has been equally poor and bullish.
    Whilst some are looking at the FN in France the rise of AFD and die linke in Germany, with the perceived split of the CDU and CSU may cause untold issues for the EU in the forthcoming German elections

  6. #56

    Re: This Tory campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Yes lovely man this quote somes it up " The worst damage Europe's socialists will inflict when they endorse a man who has done as much harm as any politician his generation is easy to describe. They will prove the extremists right."

    "" What heavy industry the duchy had was vanishing by the early 1990s. During Juncker's reign as Luxembourg's prime minister from 1995 to 2013, the duchy reinvented itself as Europe's largest tax haven: a land fit for Bernie Madoff to trade through. It allowed conglomerates to avoid tax through intermediate holding companies solely.""
    Tech companies can be based anywhere. Adopting such a strategy has ensured capital flows into the eu whether corporate profits are taxed or not.

  7. #57

    Re: This Tory campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by TISS View Post
    Not that I disagree with your opinion but why is it jingoistic nonsense. May is just playing to her crowd - a crowd she knows are going to be heavily influenced by brexit one way or another
    Its playing on overt patriotism.We are now being told that anyone who goes against the Government line on Brexit is unpatriotic.Rees Mogg constantly plays to this tune. We live in a democracy but Chairman May doesn't do opposition.

  8. #58

    Re: This Tory campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by Pearcey3 View Post
    Its playing on overt patriotism.We are now being told that anyone who goes against the Government line on Brexit is unpatriotic.Rees Mogg constantly plays to this tune. We live in a democracy but Chairman May doesn't do opposition.
    That's because there is no opposition

  9. #59

    Re: This Tory campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by TISS View Post
    That's because there is no opposition
    Oh but there is but they are not being heard. Tha will change but it will happen under a different leader.

  10. #60

    Re: This Tory campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by Pearcey3 View Post
    Oh but there is but they are not being heard. Tha will change but it will happen under a different leader.
    Never mind, Labour are closing the gap on the tories after today.
    Last edited by Nick; 05-05-17 at 19:29.

  11. #61

    Re: This Tory campaign

    So now she wants to bring back fox hunting. So with grammar schools back on the agenda what next? The return of the death penalty?

  12. #62

    Re: This Tory campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by Pearcey3 View Post
    So now she wants to bring back fox hunting. So with grammar schools back on the agenda what next? The return of the death penalty?
    War in Europe?

  13. #63

    Re: This Tory campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    War in Europe?
    Yep Spain first.

  14. #64

    Re: This Tory campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by Pearcey3 View Post
    So now she wants to bring back fox hunting. So with grammar schools back on the agenda what next? The return of the death penalty?
    Murdock to get full control of Sky? Rebekah Brooks back in her old job? Child abuse enquiry to be shut down for good?

  15. #65

    Re: This Tory campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Murdock to get full control of Sky? Rebekah Brooks back in her old job? Child abuse enquiry to be shut down for good?

  16. #66

    Re: This Tory campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by Pearcey3 View Post
    If at first you don't succeed .. wait a couple of years and the public will have forgotten everything.

  17. #67
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    Re: This Tory campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    If at first you don't succeed .. wait a couple of years and the public will have forgotten everything.
    Sad but true.

  18. #68

    Re: This Tory campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Labour are treating it like a normal General Election - when it isnt

    There are 2 questions that have to be answered :-
    Who do you want negotiating Brexit
    Who do you want as a PM
    The answer to that is the conversation needs to be shifted. It needs to be about the NHS. It needs to be about our underfunded public services. It needs to be about the wealth divide that keeps growing.

  19. #69

    Re: This Tory campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    The answer to that is the conversation needs to be shifted. It needs to be about the NHS. It needs to be about our underfunded public services. It needs to be about the wealth divide that keeps growing.
    Spot on.

  20. #70

    Re: This Tory campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Eric - resources are resources - there is only so much we take in tax, if you want to spend more - you can cut services and / or increase taxes.

    Corbyn is telling everyone there will be jam today and jam tomorrow - if that was true - every Govt would do it - simples.
    How come this government can offer tax breaks for the most well off if we're skint?

  21. #71

    Re: This Tory campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    How come this government can offer tax breaks for the most well off if we're skint?
    I heard a Lib Dem on the telly yesterday saying raising income tax on high earners doesn't work because they will find ways to avoid it. He then continued to talk about the Lib Dem policy to raise tax by 1p for everyone, surely if the higher earners will find ways to avoid it that just becomes a rise in tax for lower rate payers (and honest people)? I think he didn't spot this irony.

  22. #72

    Re: This Tory campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    It's not that easy though is it - put up taxes and you need to be mindful of what it damages. The corporation tax rate was lowered and the tax take went UP!
    Europe is turning into a red light district, countries flaunting their bits at the dimly lit window trying to lure depraved companies in with low headline rates for a cheap ****ing of its citizens.

    Surely we have more to offer businesses than just a low rate of tax?

  23. #73

    Re: This Tory campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    There was an interesting fact the other day - the higher rate tax payers pay over 75% of the tax. If you are on a lower wage - you now dont pay tax until after 12k (it used to be about 5.5k for most people)
    They do still pay tax, just not income tax.

  24. #74

    Re: This Tory campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Europe is turning into a red light district, countries flaunting their bits at the dimly lit window trying to lure depraved companies in with low headline rates for a cheap ****ing of its citizens.

    Surely we have more to offer businesses than just a low rate of tax?
    Not after Brexit.

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