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Thread: Warnock not happy. Again.

  1. #26

    Re: Warnock not happy. Again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Forest Green Bluebird View Post
    I think you (and some others who have replied) are missing the point.

    I completely agree with Warnock's view on this despite him using the word 'knackered'.

    Players need to focus entirely on what their priority for that day is ... a football match.

    If the normal schedule for and evening KO is to be at the ground by 6:30pm then so be it.

    I suspect many on this board will have been interviewed or negotiated a renewed contract of some sort. To be fair the whole experience of negotiating your future career can be stressful and not conducive to the best mental preparation for a professional football match played in front of potentially 20000+ fans against strong opposition.

    KZ should have had nothing on his mind apart from preparing for the last home game of the season.

    If NW was not consulted about the timing of contract negotiations then that is quite worrying.
    Best post on the thread. Some people are seriously naive about professional sports.

    When Warnock said knackered he probably meant that Zahore hadn't slept at the right time in the afternoon to prepare for the evening match. It's not because he's a poor little petal who can't cope with running around a bit, it's because he needs to coincide his body peaking with the time of the match, which is exactly what the opposition will be doing.

    If he was in two hours early then that probably means his body was starting to tire by the time the match started.

  2. #27

    Re: Warnock not happy. Again.

    As a little real world example, as I know some people won't buy what I'm talking about. Remember under Jones how often we'd concede in the last 10 minutes? We'd be a goal up but we just 'knew' that something would probably go wrong.

    And how in the Championship winning season it didn't seem so much of a worry. We'd score late winners or if we went a goal down the whole team would suddenly up a gear and more often than not get it back.

    It wasn't luck or tactics. It was much improved body conditioning.

  3. #28

    Re: Warnock not happy. Again.

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Best post on the thread. Some people are seriously naive about professional sports.

    When Warnock said knackered he probably meant that Zahore hadn't slept at the right time in the afternoon to prepare for the evening match. It's not because he's a poor little petal who can't cope with running around a bit, it's because he needs to coincide his body peaking with the time of the match, which is exactly what the opposition will be doing.

    If he was in two hours early then that probably means his body was starting to tire by the time the match started.

    I know how he felt !

    I was in the Borough at half one and I was knackered by the time I got to The CANTON at half five.

  4. #29

    Re: Warnock not happy. Again.

    However, when we got back in the changing rooms we immediately knew something was wrong, we could all smell raw sewage. The gaffer, thinking nothing of it, began his post-match team talk, when in stormed Neil Warnock with a towel around his waist, flanked by his two goons Claude Davis and Shefqi Kuqi. Warnock was furious. He looked quite laughable wearing a bright yellow shower cap and holding a shower brush.

    "What the f**k have you f**king f**ks been doing in here!?" he screamed. "The whole c**ting plumbing system is f**king f**ked. There's raw f**king sewage f**king backing up through the f**king showers and there's f**king hair everywhere..."

    At that moment Warnock glanced over to Gabor who had already begun undressing. Neil's tirade stopped dead, his eyes full of rage, he pointed at Gabor and screamed "GET HIM!". Kuqi and Davis rushed towards the giant Hungarian. Gabor yelped, startled, you could see in his eyes that he knew he was in trouble.


  5. #30

    Re: Warnock not happy. Again.

    Neil Warnock is one of those "laugh at their own jokes" kind of people


  6. #31

    Re: Warnock not happy. Again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    Oh great another idiot using the term snowflake.

    When did everyone become such a buzzword using moron?
    I hate that word too

  7. #32
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Warnock not happy. Again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dobby View Post
    However, when we got back in the changing rooms we immediately knew something was wrong, we could all smell raw sewage. The gaffer, thinking nothing of it, began his post-match team talk, when in stormed Neil Warnock with a towel around his waist, flanked by his two goons Claude Davis and Shefqi Kuqi. Warnock was furious. He looked quite laughable wearing a bright yellow shower cap and holding a shower brush.

    "What the f**k have you f**king f**ks been doing in here!?" he screamed. "The whole c**ting plumbing system is f**king f**ked. There's raw f**king sewage f**king backing up through the f**king showers and there's f**king hair everywhere..."

    At that moment Warnock glanced over to Gabor who had already begun undressing. Neil's tirade stopped dead, his eyes full of rage, he pointed at Gabor and screamed "GET HIM!". Kuqi and Davis rushed towards the giant Hungarian. Gabor yelped, startled, you could see in his eyes that he knew he was in trouble.


  8. #33

    Re: Warnock not happy. Again.

    I think he has a point. Players shouldn't be concentrating on anything except the game on match days.

  9. #34

    Re: Warnock not happy. Again.

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    I think he has a point. Players shouldn't be concentrating on anything except the game on match days.
    To be fair, this might be harder for some than others...


  10. #35

    Re: Warnock not happy. Again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    To be fair, this might be harder for some than others...

    Great. I can never unsee that.

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