The universe hosts planets that are highly likely habitable in thousands of star systems. Whether life has formed there is another matter, just because there are habitable regions does not mean life will form.

Earth may have been a vastly different place had a meteor not wiped the dinosaurs out. They may have become an advanced intelligent species - perhaps way more advanced than we currently are as they have a good few million years on us, but we will never know the answer to that. The dinosaurs were the only species on Earth who could naturally fly and birds are the only living relatives of the dinosaurs. There will be other "senses" and "abilities" developed in other life forms that we couldn't possibly imagine/believe.

There is no way homo sapiens are the most intelligent life form in the universe, in fact I'll go out on a limb and say we are probably one of the more primitive "intelligent forms" simply because we haven't really been here very long. The last 100 years have seen the quickest technological improvements we've ever known. I can't even imagine the world in 20 years, never mind another 100.

One thing that does make me think though - is life destined to destroy one another on all planets? Does a life form only become intelligent when it knows better than to wipe out their own kind?