Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
Bring back Vesta curries and boil-in-the-bag cod in parsley sauce while they're at it. And white dog poo too.
You mean a time when we weren't in the Common Market/EU? Funny how so many making derogatory comments about the leaked Labour manifesto being a return to the 70s voted for just that in June last year!

For what it's worth, if elections were decided on policies alone, I think Labour would have a good chance of winning on June 8. I'd have no problems at all voting for them based on what I've heard so far, but I can't get around the fact that I don't believe their leader, shadow Chancellor, shadow Home Secretary and shadow Foreign Secretary are up to the job.

What people cannot say is that they do not have a choice in styles between the two biggest parties in this election. On the one hand, you have a party with policies that are offering a real change in approach from what we have currently, but are unable to convince the majority of the country that they have the personalities and gravitas to succeed. On the other, you have a governing party that could write it's manifesto on the back of a postage stamp as they offer more of the same old, same old under a leader who is perceived by most it would seem as their greatest asset - can't see it myself, but indecision, a fear of meeting ordinary people and a frequent use of the letter and words "I", "me" and "mine" "strong", "stable", "coalition", "of" and "chaos" are seen as election winning qualities these days it seems .