Theresa May did everything she could - bar painting 'vote for Labour' on her battlebus - to ensure the Tories would lose the election, and Jeremy Corbyn and Labour would win.

In the end, if a thousand or so votes went the other way she would have had an overall majority.

In truth Labour were probably no more than 10% behind when she called the election. If they were ever going to win an election this is the one they should have. Corbyn promised free sweets for everyone and May depressed everyone.

Corbyn is now firmly entrenched as the Labour leader and will strengthen his leadership with more like-minded people around him. I suspect that when the next election comes around, he won't be making so many promises, and there will be some who voted for him this time who will hesitate when they think he actually might run the Country. Also, he won't have the completely useless Theresa May as a foe..