Quote Originally Posted by Barry Shitpeas View Post
Singing "you're not famous anymore" - that's quite a flattering song, especially to the likes of Portsmouth, who've never even been famous.
You obviously don't get the psyche of Pompey mushes who have existed for centuries, winning innumerable naval battles, on the basis that they are down-trodden, worthless under-dogs who should be underestimated at your peril. We are scum - famous for not being famous - until the nation depends on us, and then we rise up with a fury that is terrible to see and give entire continents a bloody nose. We come from an island off an island and have the smallest-minded insular mentality psychologists looking down their hoity-toity noses have ever examined - until they wake up from a right battering. Portsmouth boys revel in being put-down, for then we delight in smashing all the odds to vanquish the mightiest of mighty foes.

Oh, and can we have our clock back, please?

(from a 'son of Trafalgar' - and proud of it!)