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Thread: Newcastle child sex network convicted...

  1. #51

    Re: Newcastle child sex network convicted...

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    Sadly, the vast majority of those convicted are actually British born. Awful, truly awful.
    Shows its their culture not their birth that is the problem.

  2. #52

    Re: Newcastle child sex network convicted...

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Dragon View Post
    Its the second and third generation that are the problem. The first generations seem to respect our rules and appreciate being here. The latter generations dont have the respect required in these isles.
    So if the first generation respected the country, what's gone wrong with their children and grandchildren?

    Did they not pass on the "message"?

    Or is that that a result of racism, which was more overt during the 70's and 80's that lead indirectly to them feeling disenfranchised and unwelcome?

    I know that some people will read this and accuse me of defending them, I certainly am not. But I think it's lazy to just dismiss it as "their culture". They are, mostly, British, so why is their culture different if that is the case? The "symptoms" will be cured, hopefully with long prison sentences and more importantly help for the victims, but let's also look at what caused the disease and stop that.

  3. #53

    Re: Newcastle child sex network convicted...

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    The chance to discuss a very serious, sick and seemingly growing problem in this thread, hasn't even managed to get off the ground.
    The CCMB goon squad have hi jacked it from the start to try once again, to get one up on each other. Pathetic!
    Golden opportunity for you to bring the thread back to life by discussing the issue and you didn't take it.

    Ill try. White offenders who commit sexual offences against children usually act alone whilst the group's are usually predominantly non-white. What gives? I read an interesting article which said they are often night time workers i.e. taxi drivers, takeaway workers and this gives them the opportunity to meet and interact with vulnerable girls.

  4. #54

    Re: Newcastle child sex network convicted...

    Quote Originally Posted by Phill Stants brother View Post

    That was a better comeback than your usual unfunny shit. Just be yourself man.

  5. #55

    Re: Newcastle child sex network convicted...

    Anybody who grooms or commits or helps commit sexual offences against under 16s against their wishes ( had they had the choice ) should be castrated.

  6. #56

    Re: Newcastle child sex network convicted...

    Grooming Gang: ‘White Women Are Good for Only One Thing – for People Like Me to F*** and Use as Trash’


  7. #57

    Re: Newcastle child sex network convicted...

    Right.. what boils my piss is this -

    With so many types of sick shit clearly going on, and so bloody much of it - who is it that are forming long queues as 'punters'?
    Who is fuelling all of this? It must be a huge game.

    Are we to conclude that alarming percentages our - so called society - want to: abuse women who are clearly already being abused, f*** youngsters for 'pleasure' .. and enslave people out of greed and indolence?

    It is very much these absolute c*nts that need to be identified and smashed.

    No doubt -whatsisname beginning with W- will be along shortly to advise us all that we are drongoes and to 'search positive news'.

  8. #58

    Re: Newcastle child sex network convicted...

    They're not 'asian'. They're predominantly Pakistani, with some Bangladeshi and Indian. But it's mainly a Pakistani problem. Imagine if predominently Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Indian girls were being groomed and abused by white men. The BBC among others, would be apoplectic! They certainly wouldn't spend 10 years avoiding the issue - treading on eggshells trying to avoid being labelled 'racist'.
    What has been happening in Rochdale, Rotherham, Oxford, etc etc Cardiff etc, and now Newcastle, is a source of national shame. Multiculturalism rules ok.

  9. #59

    Re: Newcastle child sex network convicted...

    Quote Originally Posted by jackrabbit View Post
    They're not 'asian'. They're predominantly Pakistani, with some Bangladeshi and Indian. But it's mainly a Pakistani problem. Imagine if predominently Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Indian girls were being groomed and abused by white men. The BBC among others, would be apoplectic! They certainly wouldn't spend 10 years avoiding the issue - treading on eggshells trying to avoid being labelled 'racist'.
    What has been happening in Rochdale, Rotherham, Oxford, etc etc Cardiff etc, and now Newcastle, is a source of national shame. Multiculturalism rules ok.
    The one thing that gets me is how we've rolled over and let them bring in they're culture there's no way it would happen the other way around

  10. #60

    Re: Newcastle child sex network convicted...

    Quote Originally Posted by jamieccfc View Post
    The one thing that gets me is how we've rolled over and let them bring in they're culture there's no way it would happen the other way around
    The liberal left.

  11. #61

    Re: Newcastle child sex network convicted...

    Quote Originally Posted by jackrabbit View Post
    They're not 'asian'. They're predominantly Pakistani, with some Bangladeshi and Indian. But it's mainly a Pakistani problem. Imagine if predominently Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Indian girls were being groomed and abused by white men. The BBC among others, would be apoplectic! They certainly wouldn't spend 10 years avoiding the issue - treading on eggshells trying to avoid being labelled 'racist'.
    What has been happening in Rochdale, Rotherham, Oxford, etc etc Cardiff etc, and now Newcastle, is a source of national shame. Multiculturalism rules ok.
    The BBC spent a lot more than 10 years avoiding the issue of white men employed by them sexually abusing any girl they wanted to.

  12. #62

    Re: Newcastle child sex network convicted...

    Bloody hell, the BBC have been busy doing this that and the other eh.

    ITV is the answer. No nonces on there, the programs are word-class and the adverts are really really good.

  13. #63
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Newcastle child sex network convicted...

    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Pepper View Post
    Bloody hell, the BBC have been busy doing this that and the other eh.

    ITV is the answer. No nonces on there, the programs are word-class and the adverts are really really good.
    I'd like to shoehorn in Catholic priests as well, i'm surprised funboy one hasn't managed it thus far.

  14. #64
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Newcastle child sex network convicted...

    Quote Originally Posted by Colonel Cærdiffi View Post
    Grooming Gang: ‘White Women Are Good for Only One Thing – for People Like Me to F*** and Use as Trash’

    Sadly that is the attitude of some.

    I can't remember if I mentioned this before, when I was at school and living in Somerset me and my friend were groomed by some older lads from our local Indian restaurant.
    I never even considered my self as 'groomed' until I watched the drama thing on tv about the events in Rochdale tbh, I was only 14/15 when it happened and I didn't even know what grooming was so I never really saw it as the same thing but it was, there were many similarities in that drama of things they said and did, they would drive along side us when we walked home from school trying to give us lifts, buy us drinks on the sea front while blasting our fav music out of their car, we thought they were ok to start with.
    After we had known them for a little while they managed to talk me and my mate in to bunking off school for the day to go to Bristol with them, they said they had to deliver something (I know) it was only when we were sat in the back of the car in some slummy area of Bristol and they were outside the shop talking to a gang of blokes and pointing at the car that we suddenly realised how vulnerable and stupid we were.
    We got back from Bristol and they insisted that we go and have some food in the restaurant before we went home, one of them was trying to talk us in to going in to their kitchen and living area for a look around, I told my friend to stay in the restaurant as there were customers in there but she didn't listen, one of them pushed her in to a bedroom and tried to sexually assault her, luckily he let her go without too much of a fight but that was clearly because there were customers in there, I dread to think what would have happened if there wasn't.

    My dad had already told us to keep away after one of them phoned my house so I never told him what happened, stupid not to looking back now and knowing about other cases but at the time I was worried that he would kick off and get himself in to trouble.

    I've been meaning to write to that friend actually (this thread has reminded me) I'm pretty sure she was thinking about the same things as me if she watched that drama.

  15. #65

    Re: Newcastle child sex network convicted...

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    The reality is that the majority of sex offences against children that take place in this country are committed by white men.

    Another reality is that a disproportionately high number of sex offences against children are committed by men of an Asian background.

    This thread appears to be motivated far more by an agenda against certain 'races' than than any actual concern about sexually abused children.
    This ^^^^

  16. #66

    Re: Newcastle child sex network convicted...

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    The BBC spent a lot more than 10 years avoiding the issue of white men employed by them sexually abusing any girl they wanted to.
    That's another issue which is parallel but not directly linked to this one. This issue is one of Pakistani Muslims and their attitude towards women and girls. British White men don't compulsorily send their daughters overseas to have their genitals mutilated, or to be compulsorily married to some bloke she's never met , who is in a lot of cases twice her age, and totally repulsive. It happens. The problem is one of integration into British life and living according to Western values - the subject of much derision from the Left, but which have a lot going for them. No wonder young Pakistani men see our indigenous liberated young white girls as easy meat - there to be exploited. Multiculturalism has been a disaster. All immigrants to our country need to be integrated totally into OUR way of life, and part of that is treating the opposite sex with humanity and respect. No, not all white people adhere to that, I know. But if they don't they usually end up in court. That's the way we organise our society. If you don't like it then don't live here.

  17. #67

    Re: Newcastle child sex network convicted...

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    I'd like to shoehorn in Catholic priests as well, i'm surprised funboy one hasn't managed it thus far.
    Sounds painful, do you have to sign a register for that kind of perversion?

  18. #68

    Re: Newcastle child sex network convicted...

    Quote Originally Posted by jackrabbit View Post
    That's another issue which is parallel but not directly linked to this one. This issue is one of Pakistani Muslims and their attitude towards women and girls. British White men don't compulsorily send their daughters overseas to have their genitals mutilated, or to be compulsorily married to some bloke she's never met , who is in a lot of cases twice her age, and totally repulsive. It happens. The problem is one of integration into British life and living according to Western values - the subject of much derision from the Left, but which have a lot going for them. No wonder young Pakistani men see our indigenous liberated young white girls as easy meat - there to be exploited. Multiculturalism has been a disaster. All immigrants to our country need to be integrated totally into OUR way of life, and part of that is treating the opposite sex with humanity and respect. No, not all white people adhere to that, I know. But if they don't they usually end up in court. That's the way we organise our society. If you don't like it then don't live here.
    That is what happened here, these men committed an awful crime and ended up in court for it, therefore I am a bit confused as to the point of the bit in bold.

    Regarding your change of tack, you implied that the BBC don't want to out Asian paedophiles/sex offenders but would jump at the chance to stomp all over them if they were white, the evidence doesn't seem to back that up.

    Which Western values do 'the left' deride?

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