I wouldn't feel bad at all. You've acted properly right the way through this and your conscience is clear. In the coming months and years that is going to be hugely important - you've behaved according to what you have considered the 'right thing' to do.

So she thinks she's taken you for a mug? She's going to feel like shit in the coming years as word gets around about how she's behaved. How do you think her new bloke is going to feel knowing she's lied to her ex? That's now him in that situation and he's not going to trust her from the off. She's made those decisions though, so she's going to have to take the consequences.

Break ups are always shit but it seems you've done well in the way you've behaved and you can move on with a clear head. Enjoy the first days of the rest of your life!

PS Just because one girl has behaved this way don't let that cloud your judgement about all of them. You know more now about how things can go but don't get into any relationship if you're not prepared to trust - it's just not worth the hassle and stress.

You also don't need a relationship just to show you can still have one. Keep looking for the right one as I've seen too many people get caught in a relationship they thought would only be temporary.