We've all been there mate "It's not you it's me"; "I do love you, I just need some time alone" ; "there's nobody else, I just need a break" yadder yadder yadder, all bullshit cliches which basically add up to -

"We're done, I don't want to be with you any more, I've met this other bloke but I don't want to hurt your feelings too much because then I'll feel bad about myself and it's easier (on me) to make up some bullshit reason rather than tell you the truth "

They're a different breed mate, I spent 20 years trying to work them out and gave up trying to understand them 20 years ago.

My advice.

1. Change the locks. Now
2. Put her stuff in bin bags but don't stick them outside, put them somewhere out of sight until she eventually rocks up to get them.
3. If she comes over, says she's changed her mind and wants to stay, don't give in. It was her choice to leave, and if you give in now, chances are you'll being going through all this again in the future.
4. Spend time with your mates, go for a few beers and have fun.
5. Don't go out looking for women, any knock backs will just make you feel worse. Sooner or later one will just walk into your life from nowhere. I had a broken engagement once, went out with the next girl a couple of times but knocked her on the head after a couple of weeks, then met another girl a couple months after that and have been married to her for 27 years.