Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
I agree with a lot of the above.
It seems to me since the turn of the country that there been a massive dumbing down of culture and people are obsessed with minor celebrity shit, wannabees, and utter inane drivel like TOWIE and the Beckhams.

I remember on Saturday nights they used to show things like 'a touch of frost' which at least made people think, now it's playing on mass addiction of crappy talent shows.

I'd disagree about the so-called progressive being one blame and controlling the media. The BBC has its faults but give me that rather then the likes of Fox News. The telegraph, Mail, Sun, Express are hardly progressive and they've a fair share of refers and seem to have a closeness with the current government.

I don't agree about the white person being the poor oppressed these days. We're still the richest most dominant culture on this planet and all the bollocks Breitbart, infor wars etc isn't going to chane that, rather it gets hem more clicks and more money.

Which leads us to the likes of Dianld trump. Yes the swamp may need draining but a billionaire narcistc arsehole who only cares about his name and the increasing wealth and power of his family isn't the answer.
Saturday night TV has usually been dire/populist over the decades - and I don't think that things have been dumbed down but that there has always been a huge demand for pleb-fodder from the media.