Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
I've no idea who you really are or under what username you formerly posted. It appears, though, that you like to clog up meaningful debate with your usually meaningless posts.

Do you really believe that Hillary, who was responsible for wars in Libya, Syria and Ukraine, and who is the totem of the "progressive" left, wields no power or influence? It is evident that she does. The Trump administration has been hijacked by the banksters and neocons. America (and Europe) is divided in ways unknown in my lifetime - "right" against "left", black against white, old against young, rich against poor, the "educated" against the "workers."

The war has been raging since the Brexit vote. The war for more than peoples' hearts and minds - the war for people's souls. The "progressives" have doubled down - they control the mainstream media and are moulding the cognitive dissonance-inducing narrative: white people are bad (unless they are gay, feminist or TG), non-white people are good - even if they despise gays and feminists.

There will be a one-world government, with no borders. The rich will live in enclaves while the rest of us grind along in various degrees of relative poverty. The question that remains is who will control the world? Will it be the white people or the Chinese? Eveething else is merely detail.

Try looking at the bigger picture.
That is pretty accurate (sadly).