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Thread: Is Mel Brooks Right "Political Correctness Is Killing Comedy "

  1. #26

    Re: Is Mel Brooks Right "Political Correctness Is Killing Comedy "

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    People will always want taxis Adz
    When I am in the market, I will be waaaaaaaay to overqualified for driving taxis.

    PS. people use Uber now, not taxis

    PPS. no one wants racist twats

  2. #27
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Is Mel Brooks Right "Political Correctness Is Killing Comedy "

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    I'm sure Adz will be OK, he's doing a pee 8ch dee in lundun

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    I don't think Adz is comparing his generations struggles to the World War 2 generation.

    Maybe he's comparing it to the generations in between?
    Every generation has struggles, just different ones.

  3. #28

    Re: Is Mel Brooks Right "Political Correctness Is Killing Comedy "

    To me so called 'racist' jokes are fine. Its the blatant ones I think go over the top. For example, someone made a joke about 'Abdul, moving a rockery' that was excellent... It was political, not racist.

  4. #29

    Re: Is Mel Brooks Right "Political Correctness Is Killing Comedy "

    Quote Originally Posted by adz-a32 View Post
    Because we have a tougher job market, we are less likely to be in the housing ladder etc
    Seriously deluded youngsters these days.

    Going back a generation, there was less accessibility to University education, no computers, laptops, mobile phones, satellite TV, one television and one car per household, special gifts, like a bike, would sometimes be for Christmas and birthday presents combined, comparable disposable incomes were far lower.
    More and more younger people (and older people) are obese due to eating crap foods, like McDonald's, KFC, pizzas and take aways.
    They also lead a more sedentary lifestyle.
    Younger people in general are less likely to walk to and from places than previous generations and expect mum or dad to transport them here and there.
    We have a more throwaway society than ever before. People in general, but more so younger people want immediacy and generally are not prepared to wait for things like previous generations.
    Unemployment was over 3 million when I left school and you laughably say you have tougher jobs market. Utter garbage.
    There was NO minimum wage.
    There's a 19 year old I know who works 30 hours per week, for minimum wage, lives with his 18 year old girlfriend in a property overlooking the sea and they have bought all new furniture, TV and house fittings. He was not prepared to wait or get second hand or hand me downs.

    So yes, this generation, in general, belive they have a greater sense of entitlement than ever before.

  5. #30

    Re: Is Mel Brooks Right "Political Correctness Is Killing Comedy "

    I think it's a bit harsh to call this generation the entitled ones. To me that reeks of this alt right bollocks which I've noticed in this thread and others appears to suggest that the poor white man ideology is prevalent. I.e. That being white is the victim of an ultra politically correct society. It's ****ing nonsense in a nutshell. As I've said the white Western European/American is by far the most richest and powerful on this planet and it's laughable how the likes of Donald Trump
    have exploited this deluded notion to gain electoral support.

    As a white Christian I certainly don't feel the victim of some ultra politically correct society. But then again I don't fall for the bollocks that Infowars, Breitbart and The Mail spew.

    As for today's generation I'd be pissed of if I was going to university now to train for example as a teacher. I'd have to rack up a shit load of debt, to be told by a bunch of millionaire politicians who reaped benefits of free university that austerity is way forward and enjoy starting off on 21,000 per year if you're lucky.

  6. #31

    Re: Is Mel Brooks Right "Political Correctness Is Killing Comedy "

    You could argue the comedy scene is stronger than ever. In Cardiff alone you have St David Hall, The Glee Club, Clwb Ifor Bach, and numerous other smaller clubs putting on stand up comedy shows. If you go along regularly you will find comedy of all sorts, from liberal to risky material.

    If you dont like a particular comedian, go see another. The comedian isn't there to please every individual.

    I would say the problem with TV comedy is the commission. In the 60/70s the TV companies would give the writers of lets say a monty python, free range to write something and then to stage it on TV. Now TV want programmes to a set framework, they want something like something that has been successful before. They want mass market, we end up with the biggest tv comedy of our time being Mrs Browns Boys.

    However we are not in the TV generation, there are comedians producing podcasts, putting out their own shows, crowdfunding to raise funds. There is an unlimited world of material out there to listen to in all styles.

    The attitude in comedy should be that the comedian should be allowed to say whatever he likes, but the audience also has the right to not like it.

  7. #32

    Re: Is Mel Brooks Right "Political Correctness Is Killing Comedy "

    Quote Originally Posted by JDerrida View Post
    Seriously deluded youngsters these days.

    Going back a generation, there was less accessibility to University education, no computers, laptops, mobile phones, satellite TV, one television and one car per household, special gifts, like a bike, would sometimes be for Christmas and birthday presents combined, comparable disposable incomes were far lower.
    More and more younger people (and older people) are obese due to eating crap foods, like McDonald's, KFC, pizzas and take aways.
    They also lead a more sedentary lifestyle.
    Younger people in general are less likely to walk to and from places than previous generations and expect mum or dad to transport them here and there.
    We have a more throwaway society than ever before. People in general, but more so younger people want immediacy and generally are not prepared to wait for things like previous generations.
    Unemployment was over 3 million when I left school and you laughably say you have tougher jobs market. Utter garbage.
    There was NO minimum wage.
    There's a 19 year old I know who works 30 hours per week, for minimum wage, lives with his 18 year old girlfriend in a property overlooking the sea and they have bought all new furniture, TV and house fittings. He was not prepared to wait or get second hand or hand me downs.

    So yes, this generation, in general, belive they have a greater sense of entitlement than ever before.
    All that may well be true but who raised this new generation?

  8. #33

    Re: Is Mel Brooks Right "Political Correctness Is Killing Comedy "

    Lecters made u all look like mugs

  9. #34

    Re: Is Mel Brooks Right "Political Correctness Is Killing Comedy "

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    Yeah I suppose when you compare that to fighting and dying for your country in a World war or something I can see why you would feel hard done by.
    What war have you lived through ?

    I don't think anyone thinks the current generation have it hard compared to the people who lived through world war 2, but the post war year baby boomers definitely had it easier gin terms of housing market, pensions, retirement etc.

    We also keep getting told how lazy and entitled the currents generation are by the people who raised them.

  10. #35

    Re: Is Mel Brooks Right "Political Correctness Is Killing Comedy "

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Lecter View Post
    All that may well be true but who raised this new generation?
    No sense of entitlement from my lot, though there has been a LOT of pressure from their peers, media, social media, supermarkets and other store advertising.

    There are far greater opportunities to travel and to experience the things I mentioned above.

    There is generally more disposable income, which creates a greater opportunity for parents to give to their children, the things and opportunities they didn't have.

    There is some awful parenting as a lot of parents want the children, then give them what they want and also for the parents' own convenience, they put them in front of a TV or now a PC and the children read, watch and listen to media, peers and subtle and contrived advertising, which exacerbates this sense of entitlement.

    Once we agree that this generation generally, does have a greater sense of entitlement than before, then it's why and how are more complex than the soundbites that we are able to exchange on here.

  11. #36

    Re: Is Mel Brooks Right "Political Correctness Is Killing Comedy "

    Quote Originally Posted by adz-a32 View Post
    Because we have a tougher job market, we are less likely to be in the housing ladder etc
    Agreed, the baby boomers are the real entitled generation

  12. #37
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Is Mel Brooks Right "Political Correctness Is Killing Comedy "

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    What war have you lived through ?

    I don't think anyone thinks the current generation have it hard compared to the people who lived through world war 2, but the post war year baby boomers definitely had it easier gin terms of housing market, pensions, retirement etc.

    We also keep getting told how lazy and entitled the currents generation are by the people who raised them.
    Did I say that I've lived through a war? I was being sarcastic.

    "but the post war year baby boomers definitely had it easier gin terms of housing market, pensions, retirement etc." good for them then I say, where and when you are born is a lottery, some have it easier than others but you can't change it and there is no point moaning about it, I consider myself pretty lucky to have been born when I was tbh.

    imo the reason the younger generation don't see things the same way as their parents is because they more than any previous generation have been brought up by the state or had more state interference than ever before, so if we are looking at someone to blame..

  13. #38

    Re: Is Mel Brooks Right "Political Correctness Is Killing Comedy "

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    Did I say that I've lived through a war? I was being sarcastic.

    "but the post war year baby boomers definitely had it easier gin terms of housing market, pensions, retirement etc." good for them then I say, where and when you are born is a lottery, some have it easier than others but you can't change it and there is no point moaning about it, I consider myself pretty lucky to have been born when I was tbh.

    imo the reason the younger generation don't see things the same way as their parents is because they more than any previous generation have been brought up by the state or had more state interference than ever before, so if we are looking at someone to blame..

    this bit is spot on its 180

    imo the reason the younger generation don't see things the same way as their parents is because they more than any previous generation have been brought up by the state or had more state interference than ever before, so if we are looking at someone to blame..[/QUOTE]

  14. #39

    Re: Is Mel Brooks Right "Political Correctness Is Killing Comedy "


    At the risk of taking this thread even further off topic, it reminded me of this graph i recently saw

  15. #40

    Re: Is Mel Brooks Right "Political Correctness Is Killing Comedy "

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post

    At the risk of taking this thread even further off topic, it reminded me of this graph i recently saw

    Like most of us Gen X I never knew there was a name for us lol

  16. #41

    Re: Is Mel Brooks Right "Political Correctness Is Killing Comedy "

    Quote Originally Posted by I.8.POLITICAL.CORRECTNESS View Post
    Like most of us Gen X I never knew there was a name for us lol
    Millennials are also generation y, and the real youngsters are generation Z

  17. #42

    Re: Is Mel Brooks Right "Political Correctness Is Killing Comedy "

    Gen X eh, i never knew that either,

    A DJ in a club in Surfers paradise on the gold coast used to open his set / night with " trying for kicks " by the Gen X ( a punk-ish band ), it was completely out of place, but he said it was his " trademark "

  18. #43
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    Re: Is Mel Brooks Right "Political Correctness Is Killing Comedy "

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post

    At the risk of taking this thread even further off topic, it reminded me of this graph i recently saw
    .. and your point is? that's all going the way you want isn't it? not so long ago you were saying you were all for Agenda 21 and a one world government, if that's the case then you should be expecting..

    State planning and management to all land resources, ecosystems, deserts, forests, mountains, oceans and fresh water, agriculture, rural development, biotechnology and ensuring ‘equity’.
    Abolition of private property (it’s not sustainable they say).
    Major restrictions on movement, creation of human settlement zones.
    Mass resettlement as people are forced to vacate land where they live.
    An end to any national sovereignty ect.

    Do you think they are going to make it easier for people to buy property? I can only imagine the resentment future generations will have for the people who inflict this shitfest on them.

  19. #44

    Re: Is Mel Brooks Right "Political Correctness Is Killing Comedy "

    Yes. Bring back Love Thy Neighbour. That was HILARIOUS!!!

  20. #45

    Re: Is Mel Brooks Right "Political Correctness Is Killing Comedy "

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    .. and your point is? that's all going the way you want isn't it? not so long ago you were saying you were all for Agenda 21 and a one world government, if that's the case then you should be expecting..

    State planning and management to all land resources, ecosystems, deserts, forests, mountains, oceans and fresh water, agriculture, rural development, biotechnology and ensuring ‘equity’.
    Abolition of private property (it’s not sustainable they say).
    Major restrictions on movement, creation of human settlement zones.
    Mass resettlement as people are forced to vacate land where they live.
    An end to any national sovereignty ect.

    Do you think they are going to make it easier for people to buy property? I can only imagine the resentment future generations will have for the people who inflict this shitfest on them.
    What good ideas, we could relocate all of humanity to a handful of megacities, and then allow the rest of the world to return to nature.

  21. #46
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    Re: Is Mel Brooks Right "Political Correctness Is Killing Comedy "

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    What good ideas, we could relocate all of humanity to a handful of megacities, and then allow the rest of the world to return to nature.

  22. #47

    Re: Is Mel Brooks Right "Political Correctness Is Killing Comedy "

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    Yeah I suppose when you compare that to fighting and dying for your country in a World war or something I can see why you would feel hard done by.
    I didn't know you fought in the war Mrs R, major respect.

  23. #48

    Re: Is Mel Brooks Right "Political Correctness Is Killing Comedy "

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    Yes. Bring back Love Thy Neighbour. That was HILARIOUS!!!
    What about that one which was set in an evening class and had stereotypes of every nation?

    Forget what it was called but good family fun back in the day.

  24. #49

    Re: Is Mel Brooks Right "Political Correctness Is Killing Comedy "

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Lecter View Post
    What about that one which was set in an evening class and had stereotypes of every nation?

    Forget what it was called but good family fun back in the day.
    Mind your language

  25. #50
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    Re: Is Mel Brooks Right "Political Correctness Is Killing Comedy "

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    I didn't know you fought in the war Mrs R, major respect.

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