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Thread: Boris Johnson

  1. #1

    Boris Johnson

    Utter **** or political genius ?
    Latest indiscretion is rectiing Rudyard Kipling poem in Buddhist temple.
    But gets put down to 'Boris will be Boris'

  2. #2

    Re: Boris Johnson

    better than may,and wants to give us the brexit us leave voted for.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Boris Johnson

    They are either playing clever good cop, bad cop politics, or he fancies his chances as a leader challenge .

    It's difficult in Labour red Wales to work out his appeal, my guess is the English would have a view different to ours on his popularity.

    Big question is would he attract the lost UKIP voters , plus the current Tories and also appeal to the centralist floating voters, that dont fancy JC politics, if yes, then he's in .

    The other option , May sacks him and fights from within the Party , which creates political gain for JC , or makes her stronger for standing up to him , huge gambles for all.

    Me, I would let him mutter on almost ignoring him, not react , just get your own message over and just him dwindle away as Brexit happens, with or without him.

    This politics at its best , perhaps the Boris mutterings are allowable, and purely "click bait" comments to divert attention ,force comment from others ie Labour.

    I do notice after each Boris headline , we get different announcement, this time it's the freezing of tuition fees.

    Strangely Labour doesn't try and make hay of the alleged Brexit turmoil within the Tory party , perhaps the Tories know that Labour has its own inner turmoils, hence the baiting doesn't work , me I have not got a clue what thier policy is ?

    Watch for the next Boris outburst , and keep an eye on the next few days of Goverment policy press releases, and the oppositions reaction or lack of . 🤔

  4. #4

    Re: Boris Johnson

    Leave the posh pr*ck to it, the man don;t give a fu8ck about you or you're family. With a bit of luck the pampered overly indulged Fudge will get himself appointed as pm, spark an election so that with luck we could get rid of the self serving bell end and all that purport to serve us whilst only sorting themselves, donors and mates out.

  5. #5

    Re: Boris Johnson

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    I'm un decided whether genius or dullard but he speaks fluent french german and latin so i guess he has researched it
    He fekin should do with the education he has had, He plays the fool cause it suit's him. He certainly is not one, I still think he is a cock though and maybe a nonce.

  6. #6

    Re: Boris Johnson

    I said Maybe. It's an opinion not fact. Maybe not the most grown up thing I have ever written but there you go plus I bet he has been called worse.


    Regarding his power., they should take him seriously cause he is a toff that's got the common man's ear if you like. Labour are begging that he becomes PM cause running a campaign against him would be a lot easier than most.

  7. #7

    Re: Boris Johnson

    Having reflected on my strong use of non appropriate language I just think he is a cock now.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Boris Johnson

    Quote Originally Posted by joecity View Post
    He fekin should do with the education he has had, He plays the fool cause it suit's him. He certainly is not one, I still think he is a cock though and maybe a nonce.

    What he is ,is ,privileged, highly intulcetual, suffers from high intellect and wanting to say or do something without worry as some folk do support his view (see Brexit vote) .
    He would be called a hypocrite if he rolled over now on his Brexit view , at least he's consistent, some could note on thier own Brexit strategy / view and consistency of message .

    Yes he is a knob ,and lets be fair we don't like rich privliged folk do we ? whoever they are ?
    ( oops, perhaps we do like some In different colours )

  9. #9

    Re: Boris Johnson

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    What he is ,is ,privileged, highly intulcetual, suffers from high intellect and wanting to say or do something without worry as some folk do support his view (see Brexit vote) .
    He would be called a hypocrite if he rolled over now on his Brexit view , at least he's consistent, some could note on thier own Brexit strategy / view and consistency of message .

    Yes he is a knob ,and lets be fair we don't like rich privliged folk do we ? whoever they are ?
    ( oops, perhaps we do like some In different colours )
    He's been described as "a stupid person's idea of a clever person"

    I'd take some issue with saying he's consistent. He quite famously prepared a pro- and an anti- EU article before his surprising decision to back the Leave campaign meant he sent the anti article to The Sunday Times for publication. It's pretty well established that he chose the horse that would give him the best chance of being Prime Minister rather than what he really thought was best for the oiks.

    And an absolutely bizarre suggestion that he is unpopular because he's white. Bizarre.

  10. #10

    Re: Boris Johnson

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    He's been described as "a stupid person's idea of a clever person"

    I'd take some issue with saying he's consistent. He quite famously prepared a pro- and an anti- EU article before his surprising decision to back the Leave campaign meant he sent the anti article to The Sunday Times for publication. It's pretty well established that he chose the horse that would give him the best chance of being Prime Minister rather than what he really thought was best for the oiks.

    And an absolutely bizarre suggestion that he is unpopular because he's white. Bizarre.
    There's many reason to detest the utter unprincipled charlatan.

    Being white isn't one of them.

    As Lardy says he's a stupid person's idea of a clever person.

    Brexit for him was an agenda to push his grubby ambitions for self promotion.

  11. #11

    Re: Boris Johnson

    That's ok Clarky boy. I thought on what you said and withdrew my comment about him being a nonce if you notice. No place for comments like that but I am sticking to my opinion of him being a cock because I truly believe he one. Is it a useful thing to say? does it add any thing constructive? no. All it does is distract from my comment about the man not giving a fu8ck about you or you're family. All it does is make look bitter. He plays politics for fun.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Boris Johnson

    He may have changed is opinion, or had more than one version of a Brexit choice , however he's' not the only politician to sway this way and that .

    Guess the only only one who stayed true, was the awful Nigel of the Farage. ( who is also white ?? )

  13. #13

    Re: Boris Johnson

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    He may have changed is opinion, or had more than one version of a Brexit choice , however he's' not the only politician to sway this way and that .

    Guess the only only one who stayed true, was the awful Nigel of the Farage. ( who is also white ?? )
    He's changed his opinion and had more than one version of a Brexit choice - so he's not consistent, right?

    Boris' current game is to undermine the leadership by proclaiming Brexit targets that he knows are completely impossible to achieve. Then he can use this as a trampoline to get closer to his ultimate goal.

    To answer your question, yes Nigel Farage is also white. This has the makings of a great parlour game.

  14. #14

    Re: Boris Johnson

    Do we all agree the pudding want's to be prime minister.? His Reptile snake of a mate Gove undid him last time but he is not to be put off? The bluster just hide's the ambition.

  15. #15
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Boris Johnson

    I've heard a rumour he alledgly wants to be sacked , as the role he has and the earnings restrictions around is suppressing his external earnings from his other business interests and enterprises ?

    Yes he's whiter than most, almost a ghostly white at times .

  16. #16

    Re: Boris Johnson

    I watched him once describing Churchill's oration, he knows what he is saying http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/b...Churchill.html

  17. #17

    Re: Boris Johnson

    Quote Originally Posted by joecity View Post
    I watched him once describing Churchill's oration, he knows what he is saying http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/b...Churchill.html
    By which I mean he is a bright mind.' I'm sloppy when I Jot' to quote another orator of note (not verbatim). Two sides to every coin.

  18. #18
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Boris Johnson

    Quote Originally Posted by joecity View Post
    By which I mean he is a bright mind.' I'm sloppy when I Jot' to quote another orator of note (not verbatim). Two sides to every coin.
    He's what's known as book clever , went to Eton, then onto Oxford to study the classics , was a successful journalist, and is now a Foreign Secretary.

    Like most of his ilk, he lacks common sense ,he's obviously arrogant and privliged ,love or loathe him , unlike most politicians he isn't afraid to say what he really thinks .

  19. #19

    Re: Boris Johnson

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    He's what's known as book clever , went to Eton, then onto Oxford to study the classics , was a successful journalist, and is now a Foreign Secretary.

    Like most of his ilk, he lacks common sense ,he's obviously arrogant and privliged ,love or loathe him , unlike most politicians he isn't afraid to say what he really thinks .
    I would trust him more if he said what he really thinks and said 'I should lead this country of me and my mates'

  20. #20

    Re: Boris Johnson

    Privileged. Maybe? He doesn't support the City and hasn't flown in the blue sky that we inhabit though. I'm sure he can live with it however.

  21. #21

    Re: Boris Johnson

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    He's what's known as book clever , went to Eton, then onto Oxford to study the classics , was a successful journalist, and is now a Foreign Secretary.

    Like most of his ilk, he lacks common sense ,he's obviously arrogant and privliged ,love or loathe him , unlike most politicians he isn't afraid to say what he really thinks .
    I think you've been sucked in by the act. He doesn't say what he really thinks. He's easily in the top 5 of fibbing politicians.

  22. #22

    Re: Boris Johnson

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    I think you've been sucked in by the act. He doesn't say what he really thinks. He's easily in the top 5 of fibbing politicians.
    I think the crown already sits aloft his bonce. Scepter firmly in hand. Imagine what guff he will spite when he is really put on the spot if he ever fulfills his ambition to pm.

  23. #23

    Re: Boris Johnson

    Not bothered with any of the party conferences this year, but Boris' speech yesterday afternoon was, it seems, a decent attempt to build a few bridges with those in the party who were upset about his recent newspaper articles on Brexit, then, a few hours later, we get this;-


    I never went to University (too much "mitching" in the sixth form put paid to that even if I had been interested ), but my brother did and he told me that it was full of very well read people who could stay up to the early hours debating all sorts of obscure philosophies, but ask them to perform a simple household task (e.g. change a plug, cook a meal) and a lot of them wouldn't have a clue - life on mars is right, Johnson is intelligent in many ways, but, in others, he is hopelessly out of touch with the ordinary man/woman on the street and there are times when he just seems thick to me.

    I suppose the ideal list of priorities for a politician you would respect and trust to do a good job would be, country first, party second, yourself third, with Boris it's always struck me that what comes second and third can be argued about between party and country - in fact, it probably changes as to which one serves Boris best, because it's always been me first for him.

  24. #24

    Re: Boris Johnson

    He is shameless.

  25. #25

    Re: Boris Johnson

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    He's what's known as book clever , went to Eton, then onto Oxford to study the classics , was a successful journalist, and is now a Foreign Secretary.

    Like most of his ilk, he lacks common sense ,he's obviously arrogant and privliged ,love or loathe him , unlike most politicians he isn't afraid to say what he really thinks .
    What he really thinks is he'll say anything to aggrandise himself further.
    His faux nationalist lion roar crap yesterday being a typical example.

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