Quote Originally Posted by Mambo View Post
You dont really need anecdotal evidence, just ask someone who works in those industries. Look at the evidence of why people voted Brexit in Labour stronghold working class areas - and the evidence is right there for you on a plate.

If we have growth in the economy, record employment etc and you want to increase your wages - simply reduce the available workforce supply and that will force wagse up (as well as feck part of the economy). I would argue that because there is so much available cheap labour and so much competition for goods and services then wages will be kept low - for competition reasons for the foreseeable future
About that Mambo me old mate. The office for Budget Responsibillty has downgraded the forecast for productivity for the next five years. Think they say because artificially low interest rates are propping up bad companies that would otherwise go to the wall in a free market. Growth seems to be artificially stimulated then. Do you think cheap labour is also a factor in this or am I missing some point. Hope you are good there.