Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
Can't say I read newspapers as a whole, though I quite often spot a link online to a story of interest and spend a while looking at other stories from the same media outlet. Generally, those tend to be WalesOnline, Guardian and Independent.

If I was in power I would ban the Mail, Sun and Express. I'd pass a law requiring all media establishments to print factual items, rather than scare stories based on opinions. I'd prevent newspapers from being politically leaning towards a particular party or printing endless propaganda. When you have billionaire newspaper owners (who avoid tax btw) telling us their particular slant on the world, are they reporting factual news or telling you what they want you to know in order to protect their own interests?
Great post. I hate the way newspapers try to scare us into behaving or thinking in a particular way.
I no longer buy a paper and tend to read stuff that catches my eye on the web which can lead to me reading other titbits from the same source . Huffington post is one source for my news.