Quote Originally Posted by dembethewarrior View Post
I was banking on it.. never mind.

Another one that I find a bit more than mildly irritating is people who shorten words.
Girl on my Instagram writes "litro" instead of literally. She also over uses the word literally putting it in literally every sentence she writes.

There's way more. "That's beaut" instead of the extra few letters to write beautiful..

I could be here for hours on this one though so I'll just quit now before I piss myself off...
Since when has a swimming competition turned into a 'meet'? and I can't stand the use of 'to medal' or 'to podium'.

Formula 1 is another culprit aswell. F1 I can just about stomach, but P1 P2 and Q1 Q2 etc - there's just no need for it.