Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
2017 is turning out to be one of the most exciting years in recent history. The Saudi elite have been shattered, the Clintons and Obama are only a Podesta breath away from being in very deep shit. When they unravel the Podesta Group, all roads will lead to the Clinton Foundation via Russia, China, Iran, Saudi Arabia & the EU. That's without mentioning the wildfire burning in Hollywood, that will soon be spreading eastwards. And this is only just the beginning!
In other news, sources are reporting that the sky is falling. This has been ignored thus far by main stream news. A spokesfowl for the group, Chicken Licken, that uncovered this mega-times than Watergate scandal said "This is just the beginning so I urge you to join the march to the King so that he can get the unfiltered message (or send a tweet). Unfortunately I cannot go as I have to keep watch for other things much worse than the sky falling from my perch on top of the farm fence".