Quote Originally Posted by I.8.POLITICAL.CORRECTNESS View Post
I just had a quick peruse of this review from the guardian
that actually looks very interesting Bales Thank you mate
thats going on my Christmas list

your question has kind of stumped me with it being so philosophical
but for me personally it was
my earliest possible memory would be when I was 6 years of age
I had a cream coloured Labrador dog named Sandy.
One winter on a walk over the woods in the snow he ran across the ice on the river the ice broke and he went under and got trapped
firemen even waded in on with a rope attached to them to bring him out gave him the kiss the life
as I prayed for Sandy to be alright , he wasn't he died
then I got slightly older 8 or 9 maybe
and I possibly just did not buy it and religious people always came across as untrustworthy cruel hypocrites I don't think it was an individual or a group of of people generally , something instinctively felt it was a form of control "do this or you will be hurt"
my fathers side of the family my Grandfathers funeral service was last year was a humanist service
my mothers parents they was in a church with mass (optional)
Maybe media,tv ect has had an impact or maybe as you get a bit older you read more literature, get information I don't know,
Wasn't karl Marx that quoted something about religion being the opium to the people (I'm not sure on the exact quote)

what about you mate ?
I think the answer is in the above mentioned book. You can make people believe absolutely anything if you know how. It worked for around 2,000 years regarding religion, but I'm guessing that with the advent TV, radio & media, religion was allowed or even encouraged to die, as it had already served it's purpose. There is also the socialist/communist subversive element which included the destruction of religion as a core doctrine, but by this time the Tavistock Institute and others like Edward Bernays had already worked out how to replace it.

Once you know the rules of the game the role of slogans, repeat messaging, news by ommision, nudge units, propaganda, misinformation/disinformation, conformation bias, bogeymen, etc, becomes very clear. We are like putty in the hand for those who have agendas and big ideas to implement