Quote Originally Posted by Vimto View Post
So she resigns.
And that's that...
Will 'the system' ask exactly what the hell she was doing - and who really knew. I wonder?

She will likely return to cabinet one day when things have 'quietened down'.

And wasn't this a marvellous detraction from Boris's latest howler, and who was yet again up to his pasty neck in it. But that's probably all gone away again too.

Anyway ..hey.. calm down geezer - giving a shit is so .. yesterday, you are so .. triggered, yeah look at my new iPhone
Of course someone knew what was going on ,trouble is on this occasion the world of subterfuge failed.

The history of politics and diplomats is full of unofficial chats , with enemies and frindx alike , that goes for both sides of the political spectrum current and past .

If we knew the full extent of politicians ,diplomats, armed forces and businessman beliefs, meetings, association we would be shocked .

On this occasion it was alledgly spotted and outed.