Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
Excuse typos it’s on an iPhone and I can’t be arsed going through and correcting ! - we have the same keyboard issues.

My problem with all of this - is that on some level they are the same rats fighting in the same bag. Juncker is a disgrace to political office. Farage, from what I can see is a lot more transparent - maybe that is to is own detriment. I certainly dont agree with some of the things he says - a bit like I dont agree with lots of things politicians say - from both sides of the spectrum.

What I prefer about Farage over other politicians - is that he is not a politician, he just got fed up of the EU - so did something about it.
Of course - that is the easy bit - the difficult bit is the unforseen consequences of it - which is what they are going through now. That is their job though as politicians to sort it out.

I would much rather James Dyson did it for the UK and maybe the head of BMW / VW did it for the EU.

As it stands - when we default to WTO rules and there is automatic import duty of french wine, cheese, cars, food, coffee - you will see lots and lots or political pressure applied to the French and German Govts and vice verse with UK companies. Much rather cut out the politics and deal with brass tacks.

The way it's going it looks like we will have to pay 40 odd billion - with is effectively 4 years of EU payments - we pay the EU 20 billion gross PA and get 10 billion back. That in return for a fairly open free trade deal - sounds about right.

Would much rather we tried to reform the EU, put a stop to any more new countries joining, abandoned TTIP, abandoned free movement and use an Australian points system, and got rid of the EU army idea put forward in the 5 presidents report. But seeing as this was never a possibility - then we find ourselves where we are - just like any messy divorce - for those who have been through one.

I agree with a lot of what you say in the last paragraph. My main bone of contention with the referendum was that in elections you have clearly defined manifestoes from political parties. This we didn’t just a lot of empty rhetoric and the bullshit wrote on the side of a bus.

I’m no rampant europhile but life has taught me To stick with what you know rather then gambling.