Quote Originally Posted by OurManFlint II View Post
What are you using (Apps, readers etc) to help control your blood sugar levels and does your Health Care Professional use anything to help you control?

I work in Diabetes and what you have mentioned is the biggest challenge of all, you can have the tools, apps, medicine, white papers etc but its so hard to change habits of a lifetime. If the Pharma can crack that, they'll be laughing all the way to the bank!!

One thing that is overlooked in Diabetes and i don't want to scare you (or maybe i do) is just how dangerous and f***ing annoying it is. Those that don't have it seems to think and accept that it is easy to control with a medicine. People who live with this disease NEVER get a break, even in their sleep, none stop.

Good luck mate
Not using anything like that.
Just eating more sensibly, porridge or muesli for breakfast, sensible lunch, normal evening meal.
Never add sugar to anything, cut beer to a minimum

I know how dangerous it can be.
My bro-in-law has it, but he has learning difficulties, and no matter how hard we try, he keeps eating junk food and drinking cola.
Losing the toes off one leg didn't change him.
He still has the same habits, even after losing his other leg below the knee!