I'm so tired of this pantomime now. Almost nobody can be objective. Brexiteers believe it will be an unequivocal success and if it isn't then everyone other than themselves will be to blame - for some it will be Europe being mean, others will blame remainers for being remainers but the main escaped goat will be May because, well, she is easy to pick on.

Meanwhile remainers all secretly are drooling at the thought of it all going tits up so they can tell their mate who voted brexit that they actually were a gullible bus reading retard after all.

This is the perfect sideshow for the government while further cuts take place here in the UK.

Extra marks for the first person who points out that if I am tired of brexit then the best way to avoid it isn't to start a thread about it. I see this place as group therapy so please help me through this troubling time.