Obama introduced some minor restrictions on gun ownership but was blocked by Congress from passing major new laws.

Obama made gun control one of the main planks of his second term campaign.

Trump (a year ago) undid the Obama restriction (more a hurdle than a ban) on people with mental illness buying guns.

The NRA are cheer-leaders for Trump.


Obama mahybe could have done more with his limited Presidential powers, but major change needed Congress support and he was blocked - including by Red State Democrats who were unwilling to risk alienating some of their base.

Trump is an out-and-out supporter of guns in American society. Every murder or mass murder incident seems to be reduced to a case of unavoidable mental illness in the perpetrator. Unless they can be labelled as a Muslim terrorist of course.

So Trump or Obama does make a difference. Or maybe more accurately, it could make a difference in the future if people like Cruz find it much harder to get their hands on guns.