Quote Originally Posted by Penarth Blues View Post
I'd rather watch the imperfect football of the Championship than be subjected to this mind-numbing boredom each week. I hope to God this isn't the way that football evolves...

They might need to bring in a time limit to possession. For example, you've got 30 seconds to get a shot away once you regain possession...
Basketball does this. 24 seconds from the moment the ball is in play to take a shot that either hits the rim or goes in.

Basketball is a game that creeps up on you. In 2011 when I moved to this side of the pond I hated it, but as I watched more and more of it I started to understand it much more (as you do).Other than the obvious hands vs feet there are similarities to football in terms of skill, passing and attack and defence.

It helps when the team from your adopted city turn into one of the top 5 or 6 teams as well, but there’s nothing like a transformative success story to bring basketball plastics like me into the fold....Gotta start somewhere