Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
The film 'Untergang' (Downfall) is worth seeing - and the storyline has been verified by some of those who were in the bunker and survived. If they are to be believed, Hitler was so obsessed that he deluded himself that he was not losing the battles around him rather than seeing the writing on the wall and accepting defeat and thereby fleeing.
Hitler was a psychopath, he lost the war by taking on the red army to the east and us and America to the west

But there is little doubt he died in the bunker

As for many other Nazis they did indeed flee to Argentina etc , particularly mengele , the angel of death

Infamous.......butcher .......angel of death !!.......martyr to the kingdom of the dead .....angel of death........flying free !!

As the mighty SLAYER so eloquently put it