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Thread: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

  1. #126
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    "Kills himself"

    Lot of that about at the moment"" Russian exile Nikolai Glushkov found dead at his London home""

  2. #127

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Tories lies and more lies and the public fall for it time and time again


  3. #128

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mambo View Post
    You seem a bit desperate here love,

    "Several countries could have made the nerve agent used in the chemical attack on Russians Sergei and Yulia Skripal in Salisbury, UK, weapons experts have told New Scientist.

    British Prime Minister Theresa May says that because it was Russia that developed Novichok agents, it is “highly likely” that Russia either attacked the Skripals itself, or lost control of its Novichok to someone else who did. But other countries legally created Novichok for testing purposes after its existence was revealed in 1992, and a production method …"

    And from that you have concluded 'Tory Lies'

    Even though on the BBC "Spy poisoning: Putin responsible for attack, says John McDonnell"

    The moon could be made of cheese if we dig deep enough, but because we havent - how do we know ? - it's a mystery alright....
    Attachment 2253
    Apart from anything else, you need a new scientist subscription to read more than the first couple of paragraphs of that article. I'm guessing neither of you do have one, so it's a bit odd to be using it as evidence of anything.

  4. #129

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mambo View Post
    You seem a bit desperate here love,

    "Several countries could have made the nerve agent used in the chemical attack on Russians Sergei and Yulia Skripal in Salisbury, UK, weapons experts have told New Scientist.

    British Prime Minister Theresa May says that because it was Russia that developed Novichok agents, it is “highly likely” that Russia either attacked the Skripals itself, or lost control of its Novichok to someone else who did. But other countries legally created Novichok for testing purposes after its existence was revealed in 1992, and a production method …"

    And from that you have concluded 'Tory Lies'

    Even though on the BBC "Spy poisoning: Putin responsible for attack, says John McDonnell"

    The moon could be made of cheese if we dig deep enough, but because we havent - how do we know ? - it's a mystery alright....
    Attachment 2253
    I’m not your love, you sexist prick. Hope this helps

  5. #130

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Dr Davies said nobody was taken in to hospital suffering from nerve agent poisoning but I bet two will come out of there suffering from it. If they could do it to British soldiers then they would certainly do it to a couple of Russians.


    I imagine they let the policeman out today because the inspectors from the OPCW are taking blood samples. He certainly made a quick recovery from the effects of the nerve agent. Most of us take longer to get over a bit of flu.

    There is a good article by a real expert on Syria here :


    He says Trump sacked Rex Tillerson because of the planned false flag chemical weapons attack in Syria.

  6. #131

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Still nothing to be found in our wonderful free media about Russia going public about that aborted false flag chemical attack in Syria. The Guardian, Times and other so-called quality publications remain silent. So too at the dear old Beeb who also don't believe it's the slightest bit newsworthy. It's - gasp - almost as if they don't want us to know. Loads can be learnt about a pissed-up Geordie who together with Dec, his sidekick, front puerile TV shows, and there's miles of other mindless and meaningless crap to sate the appetite of the terminally dumbed-down, though.

  7. #132

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    There is another interesting article by Craig Murray. It looks like the Skripals really are ill now but there is still no evidence that the Russians poisoned them.


  8. #133

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    There is another interesting article by Craig Murray. It looks like the Skripals really are ill now but there is still no evidence that the Russians poisoned them.

    Interesting link in the 2nd last paragraph, so what role are Ch4 News playing in all of this, and where are they taking it? What was the reason this story needed to come out now? Has somebody else got a bigger scoop? Quite an interesting development on top of the Fusion GPS shenanigans. I wonder if there are any links?

  9. #134

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mambo View Post
    What I love about you Darling , is the way you always directly answer the question.
    You're clearly a leftie lovey gob shite, 2 a penny on here by the way, any other qualities you are hiding ?, what you got for us?.

    ps can you remind me what it is I dont like about you ?
    There you go again, typical man who thinks women can’t have an opinion. I am not your love and neither am I your darling. So cut out the macho shite and grow a pair.

  10. #135

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    Dr Davies said nobody was taken in to hospital suffering from nerve agent poisoning but I bet two will come out of there suffering from it. If they could do it to British soldiers then they would certainly do it to a couple of Russians.


    I imagine they let the policeman out today because the inspectors from the OPCW are taking blood samples. He certainly made a quick recovery from the effects of the nerve agent. Most of us take longer to get over a bit of flu.

    There is a good article by a real expert on Syria here :


    He says Trump sacked Rex Tillerson because of the planned false flag chemical weapons attack in Syria.
    Do you know how long you would expect someone to get over the level of exposure that he had?

  11. #136
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Going back to the threads title ""Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.""
    It seems a lot of support has been garnered accross Europe after
    being briefed , independent experts have continually expressed the view that this was a Russian delivered poisoning, if the expulsions gather pace across Europe it may surprise Russia of the collective response .

  12. #137

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Going back to the threads title ""Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.""
    It seems a lot of support has been garnered accross Europe after
    being briefed , independent experts have continually expressed the view that this was a Russian delivered poisoning, if the expulsions gather pace across Europe it may surprise Russia of the collective response .
    You seem particularly susceptible to propaganda. Most of the rubbish you have been fed by the mass media has been converted into beliefs without being processed by your critical faculties. Have you ever suffered any brain damage?

    If you want to know the latest about the Salisbury false flag op. read Craig Murray's blog. There is a very good comment by a "Tom Smythe" who seems to have some expertise in the chemistry of nerve agents.


  13. #138

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    Do you know how long you would expect someone to get over the level of exposure that he had?
    From what we have been told by the mass media the usual outcome of any exposure is death. The policeman who recovered from this near death experience is now being described in the papers as a "hero". It makes you wonder what he did to deserve that appellation.

  14. #139

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    You seem particularly susceptible to propaganda. Most of the rubbish you have been fed by the mass media has been converted into beliefs without being processed by your critical faculties. Have you ever suffered any brain damage?

    If you want to know the latest about the Salisbury false flag op. read Craig Murray's blog. There is a very good comment by a "Tom Smythe" who seems to have some expertise in the chemistry of nerve agents.

    "You are susceptible to propaganda, oh and by the way, here's a blog that explains why it is all a conspiracy"

  15. #140

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    "You are susceptible to propaganda, oh and by the way, here's a blog that explains why it is all a conspiracy"
    What we are being told by our newspapers and TV about Salisbury does not make sense. I've just been watching a Russian Foreign Ministry meeting with foreign ambassadors and what they are saying makes more sense than anything we are being told by our own government. The video is too long to watch but the text of the meeting can be read under the video.


    One of the points the Russians make is that the British have a history of using nerve gas on people in the UK and then covering it up. Anyone who reads how they killed Ronald Maddison with sarin and then trusts our politicians is a fool.


  16. #141

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Has Skripal been connected to David Steele yet, the author of the Tump Russia dossier who seems to be in a spot of bother these days? Since Steele never went to Russia to conduct his research, I am assuming his information came from British based contacts with Russian connections? The US authorities are closing in on the rogue elements who conspired against Trump, so it is possible that everything will come out in the wash eventually. Steele is a central character along with Fusion GPS, who seem to be in a similar line of business to Cambridge Analytica. The movie is going to be awesome when they finally get around to making it, and if the events weren't actually true, the entire script would come across as being extremely far fetched!

  17. #142
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    You seem particularly susceptible to propaganda. Most of the rubbish you have been fed by the mass media has been converted into beliefs without being processed by your critical faculties. Have you ever suffered any brain damage?

    If you want to know the latest about the Salisbury false flag op. read Craig Murray's blog. There is a very good comment by a "Tom Smythe" who seems to have some expertise in the chemistry of nerve agents.

    Ironically you seem to also susceptible to propaganda from strange blogs ,which you keep posting , unlike you i will not accuse you of having brain damage (by the way, hope that never happens to you or a family member, its an awful burden )

    Always know when one is losing the argument as they resort to personal insults , however never seems to happen in a live environment, strange that .

  18. #143

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Ironically you seem to also susceptible to propaganda from strange blogs ,which you keep posting , unlike you i will not accuse you of having brain damage (by the way, hope that never happens to you or a family member, its an awful burden )

    Always know when one is losing the argument as they resort to personal insults , however never seems to happen in a live environment, strange that .
    Craig Murray is an ex-British Ambassador.


  19. #144

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Ironically you seem to also susceptible to propaganda from strange blogs ,which you keep posting , unlike you i will not accuse you of having brain damage (by the way, hope that never happens to you or a family member, its an awful burden )

    Always know when one is losing the argument as they resort to personal insults , however never seems to happen in a live environment, strange that .
    I'm sorry if I offended you. In fact, I didn't even think you were a real person. All those bizarrely punctuated stream of consciousness posts made me think your posts were part of an artificial intelligence project to discover if a computer program could participate on a football forum without being found out.

  20. #145

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Has Skripal been connected to David Steele yet, the author of the Tump Russia dossier who seems to be in a spot of bother these days? Since Steele never went to Russia to conduct his research, I am assuming his information came from British based contacts with Russian connections? The US authorities are closing in on the rogue elements who conspired against Trump, so it is possible that everything will come out in the wash eventually. Steele is a central character along with Fusion GPS, who seem to be in a similar line of business to Cambridge Analytica. The movie is going to be awesome when they finally get around to making it, and if the events weren't actually true, the entire script would come across as being extremely far fetched!
    Trump has proved to be so disappointing that I can't stand reading anything about him. His appointment of Bolton means that he is totally owned by you know who. Steele made up his stuff but someone has got some very incriminating information about Trump. Unless Trump was a fraud all along there is no other explanation.

  21. #146

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    Trump has proved to be so disappointing that I can't stand reading anything about him. His appointment of Bolton means that he is totally owned by you know who. Steele made up his stuff but someone has got some very incriminating information about Trump. Unless Trump was a fraud all along there is no other explanation.
    Disappointing in bed by all accounts

  22. #147

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    This news probably deserves its own thread. A trade war has begun along with these diplomatic tit-for-tat expulsions. We all better hope that a shooting war doesn't start.

    Spy poisoning: Russian diplomats expelled across US and Europe - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-43545565

  23. #148

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mambo View Post
    You got me bang to rights there treacle
    To be honest with you , she's given you a right good beating

  24. #149

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    If the Skripals were contaminated with Novichok at home, considering it's the most deadly nerve agent known to man, how come they had a day out in Salisbury before collapsing

  25. #150

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Auntie Andy View Post
    If the Skripals were contaminated with Novichok at home, considering it's the most deadly nerve agent known to man, how come they had a day out in Salisbury before collapsing
    Deadly and fast acting are not the same thing.

    If I wanted to poison someone then fast acting would not be my choice.

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