Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
There was an interview this morning on Radio 4 with Tom Tugendhat MP where he was allowed to make ridiculous claims about Putin without being challenged. He said Putin had hundreds of billions of dollars invested abroad – i.e. he is several times richer than Bezos, Gates,etc. He has used nerve agents in the Russian Federation. He has been murdering "activists and journalists" for 20 years. The interviewer after listening to these absurd claims then said shouldn't we be doing more to get this information to the Russian people. There is no objective journalism at the BBC. It is non-stop propaganda.

Tom Tugendhat was only elected in 2015 and now he is already the Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee. It is frightening that someone who can make irrational comments like the above is now being seen as a future Conservative leader.

The "Putin is the richest man in the world" story was put about by Bill Browder. The book about him in the following link will tell you all you need to know about the Browder. It also gives a great insight into how so much money was stolen from Russia under Yeltsin.


This is a bit about Alex Krainer, the author of the above book, who is a hedge fund manager. Browder is so powerful that he blocks any article that shows his true colours – he is very dangerous – so these links might disappear soon.


This is a very good article by a barrister about Litvinenko.


Those of us on here who are still have working brains know that the chemical attacks in Syria were false flag operations. I think the people behind the Salisbury incident have screwed up and we will get to the truth. There were no unbiased observers in Syria to check the facts but there are now too many people asking questions about Salisbury for the truth to remain hidden. I think when the truth comes out it will bring down this government.
Think you might be in the minority in these false flags and Russia your going tell us next someone else , annexed Crimea ,and they are not Russia troops and weapons in Syria , and they have never produced this chemical agents and they dont lock up dissidents for protesting its someone else ,Litvinenko was a silly slip up , 14 Russians seemed to have past away due to the weather , the LGBT community have complete freedom ,Pussy Riot never really went to jail , and there is no controls to opposition parties , and no one did go to the moon .