The first item on the Radio 4 news at 8.00 this morning was about Jeremy Corbyn's supposed anti-Semitism, the second item was about Trump and a porn "star" and the third and last item was about 50 people including many children being burned to death in Russia. They didn't actually say Russia. They said Siberia because that sounds more remote and they didn't want to show any sympathy for Russians.

This is an exact quote from the lead news item : "The Chairman of the Jewish Council, Jonathon Goldstein, said Jewish people had had enough of being ignored by the Labour leader".

How shocking that Corbyn, unlike presumably all our other politicians, ignores their demands. Who else is he ignoring? Is he on message with the Catholics, Jehovah's witnesses, Mormons, Sihks (more of them than Jews in Uk),etc. Apart from the Sihks and the crash helmet thing I can't remember any of those groups demanding anything. Anyway Corbyn has issued an apology. Jewish leaders in the UK will now expect that he will not step out of line by making critical comments about Israel.

This is all about Israel. This is a quote from Goldstein in that lead news item : "Jeremy Corbyn is a figurehead for an anti-Semitic political culture based upon obsessive hatred of Israel, conspiracy theories and fake news". If you disagree with the policies of the Israeli Government you are an anti-Semite.

That was the main news item on the BBC and the story about the terrible fire that killed all those people in Russian was pushed to the back. At least the BBC will never be accused of anti-Semitism.