Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
UK's not obliged to make evidence publicly available but are signatories to the Chemical Weapons Convention so are obliged to share evidence with Russia. Don't know about Russian radar and detection systems in Syria, but the attack was 100% illegal and so are US bases and military personnel stationed there. It's all high level skulduggery where blind eyes are turned and double standards abound.
There are a lot of "blind eyes", as you put it. Someone came up to me the other day in a foul mood. "It's sickening", he said. "They can't get away with it." I thought he was on about the Russians so I said it was a false flag. "Oh, I don't care about that" he said. "It's bloody Rodwell and now Gibson. I hate them." Most people, like my Sunderland acquaintance, don't know and don't care about Syria or any of the things that worry you and the other intelligent posters on here.